Hello Friends i have made some efforts in explaining the Methods of Using alternative tools , One of the Trading view member has problems and was in continues confusion , so i just took some time to create this video for him this should open the eyes of all the traders , Having Proper knowledge can give you strength in your trading decision , Most claim...
I am looking next move in this passion , as you can see all the Rules and Guidelines have met as per wave theory , Price is king , so one has to take the confirmation of price before thinking of riding this Next move Good luck
One can look for the Next move in this passion , Take decision based on your trade Opportunity Good luck
Hello Friends i wish you all the Best in Your Trading profession , Market has made Heads up , any rally one should look for booking the profits , I have forecasted an possible correction before New Trend began , so one can take proper decision during accumulation process and hold for longer term trend trading for F & O traders Keep Enjoying all the...
I have made a small efforts in explaining what will be likely next move , i have also made an Explaining what kind of patterns you can look for in case you are pattern traders I have also explained what kind Options selling you should do in case you understand this video correctly and be prepared to take executive decision when you are wrong Just do not...
Hello I have made a small efforts in giving an overview on this script and also made an efforts how we look in the wave analysis One can take note and invest in Cash ( equity ) and look to book near forecast above 600 , I can not answer all of your emails i have also removed my email id from my Profile , thanks for your emails i hope you will learn...
I had posted this chart in the past , explaining the correction is required before it make any new move Now i am reposting it because people have tendency to forget things they see Current move i am not convinced its Going to become Trading , So expect a drop to cluster and then bounce If you are in the trade then put the stop to cost , if you are stopped...
This has completed its 1st leg of Impulse one can Expect a start of correction which will be slow by price and longer by time You can look to buy on reversal on weekly time frame
Hello Friends , I have made some efforts in putting up analysis on BNF , kindly view till end to understand it correctly and look to position your self in the Market Good luck
Hi Friends you all have witnessed in all my previous posts and know the forecast how i make meets the real time expectation in the market Today i am posting and I am looking on 09 Dec 2020 Nifty will Gap up and will start moving up side , this move is going to take place there is not Question One can Position them self for this next move , if you have less...
Hi Friends you all know when i put up some chart they tend to have in the direction of larger trend , You will now see how we traded this in Futures and Equity we traded from 86 to 138 , in Multiple Futures contract we booked 42 Points in each Futures contract and we Booked our holding in equity today its Not surprise to me that Lots of People do not...
Hello I have made some efforts in Giving an Analysis on Berger Paints , I hope this will help you to resolve where to book the profits and also resolve your Un-Answered Questions , if you like this video hit the like button and if you have any Questions on this video comment below so i can try to answer it Good luck
Hello Friends , Few people who are trading in equity have asked me to explain how they have to protect the capital , I have made some efforts in explaining it I do not know how the Indian Brokers update while placing an AMO , you can send email to your Brokers and discuses with them to understand it and use the Method to Protect the capital or Gains already...
Hi Friends you all know we take up every opportunity in the trading when we find reasonable trade set up In this script we traded and Made 90 % Gain in our Trading Futures contract , We traded Multiple Contract in this script and we made Tons of Money Making money is easy , Just you need a better set up , I could not post this during this set up due to lots...
Hi Friends i am posting this based on high demand , almost in one night i have received more than 233 emails asking me they are stuck and all bla bla bla Now this pattern is very successful pattern we have traded , wait for daily reversal dont jump for Non-Sense Weekly Options , trade only in Futures contract Hope all of you follow simple method for buy set...
This is in Final phase of the Move it has two possibility 01) Correct the price and then move up strongly 02) Just Gap up and start moving up In my personal view its high likely will correct and then Move up for final move , One can look for trading buy set up , ignore short selling in this script Good luck
One can stay in the trend using daily low as stop , one can buy small equity if they want to trade this small up side move , This one has one more move up left in it , As some one message me asking weather it has completed its move as it is in ATH , My friend its still due for up side move Good luck happy trading
Hi Friends i have made a small efforts in giving detailed analysis , On Coal India , Many had sent me email asking what to do , so please go through the video till end and look for opportunity Good luck