Hello Friends i had posted Previously and Now Providing my revised out look , there is no Much change in the view but the speed has changed in the Movement , One can stay invested in cash and look to buy on reversal on daily Time frame and hold it , its heading for 485 to 505 range as Possible current trend termination , Later i will update once it is done...
One can wait for daily Green Candle and Look to enter for Next move up its in corrective pattern so expect price to move slow in this structure You can buy in cash and Hold it for Next 40 % move in the price , Invest INR 10, 000 and Book 4000.00 profit on investment in 1 Month time frame Good luck
This one is looks like dead cat bounce , so expect the price to reverse in day or two and the trend to downward will resume , One can wait for complete bearish engulfing candle to trade in it
Hi friends i have made small efforts in giving Most Important detail in the Technical analysis , Most people ignore it but its very important to understand what is happening in the market , if you are Option trader then Please view it completely and try to take advantage I have recived more than 1120 email form trading view members and everyone has a story...
Now you see how my view works , Yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaa , Come on Friends this the power of shreeKrishna , You ( Trolls ) will never catch my speed I made tons of Money , I have crossed Millions of dollars in this span , Yeeeeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I told you You be with the trend , price is king respect it , i also told you that some people...
Hello Friends i have made some efforts in explaining the one of the pattern which is formed rarely but still exist and it was identified by R N Elliott he explained it as Contracting leading diagonal , which leads to new trend , One can look for entering in stock at CMP or small pull back so that you can make money holding it till 3000 , Good luck
Friends Go through the video till last , You will understand lots of things and invest in it to double the Money , Good luck ShreeKrishna
One can invest in this and take home 33 % + as Profits , this script is Going up for One sharp move up wait for price to tag and reverse on daily or on 1 Hour time frame put the alert so that you will come to know the script has reached the price and any bounce you can buy and hold it for 2 Weeks One can look to invest of 10000 and take home 33 % + Profits...
Hi Friends i have made this video for one Gentleman who sent me email asking how he can make money in the stock market and i have made this video to explain simplest method is always having a better results , if one practices RSI and trend line brake , I can bet he or she will become millionaire by the end of 2021 Look for simple approach Good luck
We understand from our experience and identifying patterns , This current pattern is very powerful and it will Move next Up graded target with next 7 trading days One can Look for buying in cash only and stop as today low one can look to run and book near the target Good luck
Friends you all know i have an ability to identify Gauge the market sentiment with pin pointed accuracy , You saw how we made Money in the past and Now i am posting again one more post of how we made 87 % of profits form 815 to 1375 Making 580 Point Gain in the stock trading ( Equity ) and nearly 612 Points in Futures Trading including rollover cost , few so...
Hi friends i have just made an illustration on how fast you can look for dominant trend direction and take the decision in order to do this kind analysis you need a practice and you need to understand the methods , This video i am just posting because some one sent DM asking me how i do this kind of analysis and they cant do it , the answer is practice...
Hi Friends You all know we have Major Trading Team and we take up every logical & Valid trades at our Desk This one we traded form 410 to 535 , We booked 125 Points in Futures Trading I am attaching my Private chart you all can have a look by playing it , We booked today because we decided to stay away form Up coming volatility , or you can consider we...
I am looking this will high likely end its Trend as per forecast , its an cluster where i am looking for end of Trend , one can book their holdings at or near the cluster using trailing exit method it does not mean its a short sell , Lots of time i get Questions about asking to go for short sell , No its not , it has possibility of extension also , that...
One can look for buying once the price tag and reverse on daily , it has Potential of Making Gain of 80 % in coming Months You can look to invest and hold it for 2 Months and take home 80 % returns of investments One can look to invest 5000 or Multiple of 5000 Good luck
One can invest in this script for 2 Months and take home Potentially 70 % of Profits One can look for buying once it tags and reverse and invest around 10000 and take home 70 % of profits Good luck
I am looking Future weakness in this scrip , One can ignore fresh Long , and Wait for completion of this move before you think of Going Long on Fresh long in Cash only i do not advise in Trading Futures unless they know how to manage their stop and take profits , simple reason is this move will be very slow and irritating move Take decision based on your...
If you view this video correctly and understand a bit of , Then 20 % of your trading errors are now avoided , Understand the Message correctly so that you can start learning before you ran out of Money form your Bank , Learn well before you die poor Good luck people