Stock Analysis of the stock for swing trader as well as positional trader. This stock can give better move than Nifty. Gujarat Fluorochem Ltd.
Cummins India Stock Analysis. Stock is in uptrend and ATH breakout.
Nifty BankNifty Analysis. Major Support and Resistance Levels.
Stock Ananlysis -AplApollo. Chart reading and Basic Entry exit.
Stock Analysis - Indoco Remedies. Explained about VCP pattern in Indoco Remedies
Dow Top Has Broken. Will market continue rally? Nifty has changed its trend today.
Nifty View. Nifty Analysis and reason based on candlesticks..
Market Analysis - Nifty Analysis. Nifty is in downtrend but short term swing in in uptrend. Check the levels where you should be cautious again.
Stock Analysis - Find levels within Levels - Sector vs Stock movement and find good entry level..
MInda Industries - Triple bottom. Very good risk reward when the price is near SL and support is strong.. It looks bearish but possible a good trade with small Stoploss
How to use Trailing Stoploss. Trailing stoploss is used to ride a stock for longer time. It is one way to ride your profit and minimize your early exit.
Head & Shoulder Pattern. How to filter out pattern for trading with more possibility of success and entry before breakout.
Screen Your Stock in Five seconds. Use Trading view Stock Screener for Automatic screening and use Manual screening to find your trade in 5 seconds.
Many people have doubt that should we go with hedge or non-hedge position. So I have tried to explain my reasoning and concept.
basic of fibonacci and swing wise use of fibonacci retracement
How I select my Stocks. How I make my selection work for me.
Dow Bottom Broken - What to do next. No one know the next market move but Dow theory tells us when to react.
How I select stocks and make my final list. There is a myth that bigger the list bigger chance of winner.