this is a morning trade of bitcoin has anyone taken this morning trade if not then join us and see our analysis whether it is profitable or loss making #clean and #clear #analysis #bitcoin #forexgold #banknifty follow form more
hello friends anyone enter these trades i have posting trade after 20 minit ago
analysis in 5 minit upside movment #cleane and #clear
If someone misses the entry in Banknifty, then it does not matter, this is some analysis which will help you in taking the entry. If someone has missed the entry, then you can take it by placing a limit order and take care of your risk management and do not forget to follow us.
bitcoin create head an shoulder pattern in 15 mnt time frame clear an, clean breakout,,,any intrested build the potion with miner sl and big target [and dont, forget me for follow,,,
bitcoin trade now down side clean and clear miner stoplos but sustain in buying aria or close abobe athleast 5 mnt candel
gold upside move is ready now with clean entry or sl rr1:3
bank nifty call @36900 ce buy 1st minit candel and see the magic...