Buy USDINR 73.38/- Looks super awesome ( JANUARY FUTURES ) SPOT ITS different price , i am talking about January futures , spot its hit support
149/- is amazing price to invest in Liberty Shoe
Buy Anant Raj Limited 23.80/-
Sell Limit 77.45/- TATAPOWER
Sell Limit 104.55/- on NTPC , tight stops at 108/-
I dont trade forex , but this one is best chart for learning ... its looks hell down , Buy at 1.7717 market price
PFC Immediate Sell Current Price
Even after that 1800cr staff , NSE:SBIN still not opened with GAP down , up ahead a Supply zone at 267/- better plot sell limit for an effective intraday
Pure rampage , but resistance ahead , HDFCAMC 2660/- Sell Limit
Last Thursday it missed NSE:SBIN 261/- sell limit by inch , i hope today it may trigger this sell limit . there is two resistance up ahead Sell half 261/- and rest half 267/- if reached , split your usual orders in two parts
UPL 462.30/- Market Price sell looks awesome for an intraday NSE:UPL
sell Sunpharma 561.30/- right now
NSE:BANDHANBNK its look like a stop grabber is forming @ intraday charts , sell limit 384/- make sense with tight stops @ 402/-
455/- intraday sell on NSE:UPL
EURINR sell Right now 89.92