New 52 Week and All time High Rs.230.95 hit today Performance Today Outperformed Sector by 2.3% Day's High Stock touched an intraday high of Rs 230.95 (3.59%) ~ Moving Averages Pricol Ltd is trading higher than 5 day, 20 day, 50 day, 100 day and 200 day moving averages Rising Investor Participation Delivery Vol of 7.74 lacs on 31 Mar has risen by 69.65%...
ANANTRAJ Cup and Handle breakout on Daily Time frame. *New 52 Week High *Rs.138.45 hit today Moving Averages Anant Raj is trading higher than 5 day, 20 day, 50 day, 100 day and 200 day moving averages ~ Action in Sector Real Estate has gained by 3.91% ~ Rising Investor Participation Delivery Vol of 12.76 lacs on 31 Mar has risen by 67.21% against 5-day avg...
USHAMART is moving in a ascending triangle pattern on daily timeframe. Sustaining above the level of 222 can lead to a good breakout.
TECHNO is perfectly symmetrical triangle pattern on weekly time frame. Closing and sustaining above 346 can lead to a massive upside rally in coming days.
Union Bank of India Looking good for Swing. DISCLAIMER:I AM NOT SEBI REGISTERED ANALYST. All calls posted here is only for Edu. and learning purposes. Followers take Their Financial Advisor asst. before making any Buy/Sell Decision #sharemarket #stockoptions #profit #intradayprofits #stocknews #nse #bse