Dear All, So, Eventually Nifty did touch the level of 16850, followed by a spectacular recovery in the second half and finally gave a closing with a beautiful doji formation , that all the bulls were looking for. But still the danger is not completely averted . So, we will have to wait for today's closing for the long term results. Besides, 17180 will...
Live market Analysis for 16th March Language: Hindi
Dear All, As we had mentioned in our Yesterday's Morning Mantra that Nifty is now ready to taste the level of 16800 , the same was accepted by the market itself. As even after a beautiful gap up opening and a high of 17211.35 , Nifty had once again failed to sustain the level of 17180 . Well as of now, we will have to keep patience and watch for ...
Live analysis of Market for 15th March Language: HIndi
Live Analysis of Market for 14th March Language: Hindi
Dear All, Just like we had stated in the yesterday’s Morning Mantra update , that Nifty can create some panic around the level of 17300 and that it can take a support at around 17180 , which will work as a speed breaker in between the levels of 17300 and 16800 level. Similarly , we did witness almost the approximate figure of 17154 , which is very near...
Dear All, So finally, yesterday we had seen a break down of 17800 level, a significant gap down opening and that the index was continuously under pressure throughout the day. Well, as we told you that an either side breakout or breakdown was very necessary for the trend identification, so below 17800, can once again take the market towards the level of 17320...
Cautious Post Budget Impact 17300-17800 Excellent Budget market will take time to accept the budget.
Positive Budget 17800 Still we have to be cautious for next 2-3 days closing above 17800 will be a good trigger.
Well once again, yesterday was a day full of volatility in the Market. Where on the one hand, we had witnessed an effective bear momentum in the first half. On the other hand, the second half came with a sharp recovery. However, unfortunately we had ultimately witnessed a closing of below 18000 in Nifty, yesterday. Nevertheless, we have been stating from...
Once again we got to witness a crucial selling pressure in several sectors of the Market, yesterday. While we have been continuously stating that Nifty is currently somehow confused between the levels of 17800 and 18400. So, in the state of this consolidation, we are still with our words, i.e., to continue rebalancing and rechecking your portfolio along with...
What a positive start of 2023, with a back to back 2 consecutive days of positive closing of above 18170. Wherein once again, Nifty took a beautiful support at around 18170 during the first half yesterday. Well for now, a stable closing of above 18400 is very important in the near term. Whereas in the meanwhile, the level of 18170 will play a crucial role as a...
So finally yesterday, we had once again witnessed a beautiful closing of above 18170. Besides, just as we have been continuously stating about the two Resistance levels of 18170 and 18400 in Nifty. Similarly, as of now, with the index taking a beautiful support at 17800, we are expecting Nifty to reach the level of 18400, very soon. Furthermore, the...
Wish you a very Happy New Year! This is the first Morning Mantra for the year 2023 and we are here to share with you the Market Sentiments for this week. Well, on observing the past few days, it can be seen that there’s a fight going on between the levels of 17800 and 18170. Where on one hand, as we were expecting to witness a positive closing of above 18170...
So, once again yesterday we had witnessed the accuracy of technical analysis. Where on one hand, due to effectiveness of shooting star we had observed a gap down opening yesterday. On the other hand, we did also witness a beautiful bounce back in Nifty during the last Market hours. This positive bounce back, finally resulted in giving a stable closing of above...
Another consecutive day of witnessing a positive movement in Nifty. However, there is a slight disappointment, as Nifty made a high of around 18150 yesterday, which was just below our stated Resistance level of 18170. Moreover, observing a Hanging Man Formation on the Day chart of Nifty, is somehow indicating that some selling pressure can be witnessed today....
Just as we had stated yesterday about witnessing a bounce back in Nifty. Likewise, we did witness the same yesterday itself. Moreover, as we have been consistently stating about being cautious for the Month of December. Similarly, it is expected that this week too, will be a little volatile. So be cautious. Besides, with the strong support level of 17800, be...
Just as we had already cautioned on the 5th of December itself. Likewise, we did finally witness Nifty near its support level of 17800 once again, on the last trading day. Well, we are somewhat hopeful here, as we expect to witness a bounce back from the current levels of 17806.80 However, as we have already been stating about being cautious for 10-15 days of...