Buy only when the stock price breaches 4768( accompanied by good volume). You can have a stoploss of 4638. Two targets can be approached by the stock in the short to medium term time horizon.
Althought nifty bank is in the negative horizon, indusind bank is looking good to fire. With the support of strong results which beats the market estimates .Have 2 targets to be achieved in the short and long term .Trail stoploss as it suits your needs. If any doubts you can ping me anytime.
The stock has been in my radar from the time of ipo has taken advantage of all the rallies it has seen. Soon expected another rally. Also being a good stock for long term.
After the initial swing in the stock, it has consolidated for few weeks. And it is all prepared for the next breakout. Having risk reward ratio of 1:5 a good stock for short term. Even can be hold for long term as having good growth possibilities and strong fundamentals
The sideways move of the stock is about to come to an end. With formation of doji the stock has more positive bias indicating a breakout soon.
The stock had been moving sideways since 25/08/21. A breakout was seen today with good volume. Can be brought at current levels.