gold spot stya abv 2666 look up side 2674--90-2700+++ where support 2644$ if stya blow thana next down side possible -- in mcx stya abv 77930 look zoom 78400--700++++ where support 77550 only blw looks some down correction
silver styaa bv 92300 looks zom up till 93-94k near terms where support find for weekly 91600 blow some down correction expect or let see in eveng data time
yes on daily chart looks like h&s pattern neckline 49600 if stya blow or close blow 2 days thna expect 46000 expect hurdle 50300@ for dedcat bounce let see in near terms
on weekly chart looks bull breakout abv 305 looks 400+++++where support find 272@ only blw will create panic more update soon
gold looks like h NYSE:S pattern which indicate blw 76500 soon dwn side 75--74300+++++ on spot gold blw 2630 looks dwn side move if trade abv 2630 than looks sharp dedicate bounce more lvl stya tuned here
silver spot eyes 32.30 if stya abv thna mkt up side tgt 32.60--32.80 thna after 35$ soon where support find 31.50$ ony blw looks dwn fall
gold eyes on 2665 if stya abv thna mkt sharp up side 2675--90 expect only let see lvl first than if unable to hold than again mkt test dwn 2640--30$
spot gold stya abv 2647 looks up side 2655--60++++ in mcx styaa abvv 76850 looks up side 77100++ expect yes dedicate bounce ready support find 2630@if blw than more dwn side in mcx 76700@ support
it seems to be bull flag pattern abv 7550 look 7700--7780 where can be profit booking expect and comes dwn again 7500@ if buy make than sl will be 7370@ and profit booking sl will soon after actives lvl
4th hrs chart looks invert h&s pattern abv 24470 looks reversal till 24700--25000+++ where neckline support find 24280 strong support 24000@ yes let see power of pattern
gold hurdel2632 if stay abv than mkt up side till 2638--44$ where if break 2605 than expect down fall till 2590-86$ silver blow 30$ sharp panic expect--- eveng time consumer sentiment data which is expect gold down side
bank nifty eyes on neckline 49800 if stya blw or close blw 2 days +weekly close than expect dwn 46500-46000++++ where hurdel 51111 stya abv than short term change move yes close watch this lvl
after made life time high gold came dwn 170$++++ now if mkt hold blw 2660$ than looks dwn fall 2565--2530--2466$ where some bounce expect 2640--45$ in near terms . more update stya tuned with us
weekly chart showing good reversal pattern now have to watch fomc or us- election results. expect some bounce back than after good reversal expect there are terms if blow 2760 thna no problem for seller if trade abv 2760 than expect dedicate bounce 2790-2804 but over all rsi-- pattern or many indicator as per analysis showing big correction ahead in near terms...
gold spot stya blw 2724 silver spot stya blw 33.30 looks dwn fall 2710--202==2690 soon expect silver 32.30$ in mcx mkt if hold blw 78300 thna looks dwn fall 77750--77350 silver blw 9600 dwn fall till 95550--94223 or more lvl stya tuned tuned with us
gold hurdel 2739$ if stya abv thna mkt again up side 2750--60 in mcx 78430 stya abv mkt may be g to 78680--78900+++++ have close eyes on lvl -- if unable to hold gvn lvl thna again sharp correction will start
dear all as per report last gvn 2760 almost done where our buy full end--- now if any rise will take only sell entry with tight sl -- always remember blw 2760 no buy at all now---- if any sustainabv 2760 thna let seee nxt lvl otherwise our buy wave end- mcx silver stya blw 99200 looks dwn fall till 98524--97600+++ in spot 34.30 stya blw dwn fall looks;
gold silver made bear engulf;f pattern at 4th hrs candle---eyes on 77900 in gold or silver 96500 stya lw will create heavy panic in mcx------yes hurdel 78479@ silver 98600@ recnt high very crucial for up sideeee if hold blw hurdel lvl than also looks dwn fall