gold silver sell gvn rockeddd chk 59200 or 70222 sold gvn comex also gvn low amde 1948$ hope u enjoyeddddd
sorry for late update --silver blw 70222 dwn side 89840--710++ or 69444 strong support if blw thna more dwn or if hold abv mkt up sid eonly 70000-70500 again------- expect where hurdel 70790 abv will bull rally start 71500++++
support 1960--1966$- stya blw nxt dwn will start -1942-1933$-1910$ . or resistance 1990$ abv may rally till 2000-2004$ or break with volume or cls bav 2 days 2010 soon 2030-53+++++++ or no cross 1990 or hold blw 1990 than again dwn sell on rise good way mcx gold stya blw 59200 sell on rise must soon 58930-829++ expect
inetrday--- buy gold abv 59880 sl 728 tgt 60100 looks dedcta bounce till data negative yes abv 1995 up sid eonlyy looks
crude rockedd hit 5550 sold form 5700 now more sell lvl only sustain blw 5530 thna sell on rise possible with5686 tgt 5420-5380+++ yes musts sustain blw 5530 or cme 66.80 than u will see dwn fall 65$
crude sell 5700 blw sl 5760 tgt 5610 looks blw 68.60$ sell of till 66.20 and bear candel showing good move yes small sl but over all dwnnnn
gold spot 1990 abv looks up side 2004-2015 sl 1980 ye sits dedcat bounce expect-------
gold mcx stya abv 59350 buy sl 181 tgt 59500+++ interday
crude abv 5855 buy on dips sl 5777 tgt 6020++ expect
gold spot hit 1940 sell gvn blw 1960 enjoy-- now esy on 1960 cls blw this lvl u will see 1930-10 soon sell onr ise again with sl 1962 fomc meeting and commentary also in focus
gold sold gvn 59700 blw or more 59300 or 59100 low 58850 hope u enjoyedd still 59100 hod bwl dwn only sell on rise must tgt 58777-670+++
gold mcx analysis with shooting star pattern below---gold daily chart made shoting star pattern which is near term indicate bear mode yes 59856 blw gold may be test 59144+++ or blw 59100 or close blw thna u will see 58550-310+++++ over all hold this pattern high than mkt sell on rise or if hold support 59100 thna mkt again jump till 59500-700+++++
gold spot update---- support eys on 1960 sustain blw or close blw will see 1942--28$ soon or if hold abv support tahn mkt again 2000$ or may be 20230-40$
told sell gold 59700 hit 59330 now if close blw 59500 thna more bear form can be seen or 59101 blw gold game over soon melt dwn will start after lvl will update
gold stya lw 59700 sell on rise sl 59856 tgt 59330
silver eys 69444 stya abv or close will see 71400-72000 expect yes sustain abv than mkt zoom expect or if hold blw 69444 thna mkt again dwn side possible 68500-67500++++++ over all 69444 have to watch no if and but
gold spot 1995-98 sustain abv looks 2040$--2028$ where support 1960 if hold abv than mkt up side only in mcx 60055 hold abv mkt 60500 near expect -- last call mcx sell gvn missted tgt or sl hit
sell gold 59800-900 sl 60096 tgt 59610--59400--59120++++++ yes trade with marzin extreme overbought here