Bottom done?? crossing 6months consolidation. Fundamentals are ok ..Slow accumulation is seen in the counter. Disc: i have position in the family account
Crucial support 266?? One of the bank with highest GNPA and lowest ROA.10% ..Clubbing fundamentals with technical gives investor a fair idea in choosing to buy or sell..
Last qtr. PAT was negative, am not sure when this happened in the company history. OPM fell to 1%, raw material cost went up by 10% but employee cost went up by 17.50%. Where is the bottom??
Jan 2000 Hong Seng index topped around 18400 and Tested the same level of 18400 1st qtr of 2022. If you are a long term index investor and invested in Jan 2000 you would have made zero return in the last 22 years. Stop blindly following finwits in index investing. Learn and be alert
Rally Over?? Bitcoin trying to cross over previous big volume sell off (13th June) May face big resistance
Crucial support 2943. June Qtr OPM is lowest in many years, fell from 22% last year same time to 8%.They may be facing big competition in the product category/higher operating cost. Just for information no reco.