As per chart nifty is positive but as per data18200-18230 is major resistance area and 18100-18000 is major support area. As per current market world market nifty will open gapdow with 70 to 90 point. And PCR is also over bought so it will also get cooled of. So play with given support and resistance area.
Blue line are support and red line are resistance. Just according to levels
As per chart nifty looks negetive creating descending traingal. But we wwill go with support and resistance for buying and selling
Today nifty support and resistance if nifty sustain 18023 area we can see upside trend, if not able to hold we will see 17889 to 18822
Due to globle positive our index will open gapup and if sustain above 18060 we can see a good movements on up side.
Nifty support blue line and resistance red line Play dot to dot
BANKNIFTY support are blue line and resistance are red line
Today nifty can play in range. Vix seems to be increasing we may see a fall.
Today support and resistance blue line support red line resistance
as per my view if nifty hold 18040 the we can see upside movment till 18200 if nifty unable to hold at 17930 level we can see down side movement
Nifty support are blue line and resistance are red line
Nifty support and resistance blue line are support red line are resistance.
Nifty50 support and resistance for Wednesday Today market can give big movment eitherside
Red line are resistance blue line are support for intrady
Red line are resistance ( upside target) 🎯 and blue line are support ( down side target).
In this chart red box and red line are resistance zone. Blue line are support zone.