Buy with stops at 190 tgt 220
Stops at 6750 . Tgt 8k+
Buy with stop of 1130 Tgt 1450
Buy on dips with stops at 169 Tgt 200
Buy 930 SL 870 Tgt 1000
Buy at support with hard stops at 27750 and trail for new highs.
Buy on dips with stops at 1650 for a all time high soon.
at 600 and trail
keep a tigh stop at 242. Tgt 275+
with a tight stop at 76.75 for tgt 82
Stop 560 Tgt 650+
Buy with stops near 270 for tgts as indicated
But Intellect near 250 with stops at 235...for tgts 275/300
with stops at 560. Tgt 700+
Keep stop at 935 and trail Tgt 1000
Buy abv 82 for tt 91-92 SL 76
BUY ABV 82 for tgt 96 sl recent low
INTELLECT : BUy on dips with stops near 230 Tgt 275