bank nifty tomorrow tread This script display five moving average channels, main channel (EMA144, EMA169), second (EMA288, EMA338), third (EMA576, EMA676) This channels can act as support/resistance , a trade can be setup when price enter and then leave the channel. There are also other moving averages base on Fibonacci numbers ( 34,55,144,233....), you can...
NSE:NIFTY NIFTY NOW BULLL NIFTY MONDAY TREND BULLESH OVEROL TREND BULLSH MY INDICTOR NOW BULLESH SINGENEL Sep 30 This script display five moving average channels, main channel (EMA144, EMA169), second (EMA288, EMA338), third (EMA576, EMA676) This channels can act as support/resistance , a trade can be setup when price enter and then leave the...