Reason : Exhaustion of downward move with littler further push upto 760 then move higher to Re-test the previous highs Timeframe : By year end 2016.
Reason : Little further upside push to catch short orders. Timeframe : Within a day.
Reason : Extension of second wave as continuation of first one. TImeframe: Within a day.
Reason : Pair to leave its present narrow range to re-test its previous highs as a part of continuation of uptrend. Timeframe : By early November 2016.
Reason : Continuation of uptrend. TImeframe : By end of October 2016.
Reason : Exhaustion of up move. Timeframe : By end of second week of September.
Reason : Continuation of second wave in direction of south. Before that small upside correction too can be played. Timeframe : By end of second week of September.
Reason : Some side correction is taking place in two wave format.that is sideways upto 8.750 then pull back to 8.665. This to complete short side correction. Both sides trade-able. TImeframe : By end of third week of the month of early 4th week.
Reason : Continuation of send wave of prevailing first wave. TImeframe: early next week.
Reason : Down trend along with correction of time and price is over. Beginning of uptrend from this price level. Timeframe: By end of this month.
Reason : Two wave price along with time correction getting over this month.This to lead price to re-test its previous highs. Timeframe : October.2016-April.2017(Extended to April.2018 ~ if delayed).
Reason : Two wave correction is over, this to trigger prevailing uptrend's move to retest the highs. TImeframe : By early October.
Reason : Continuation of second wave. TImeframe : By end of 3rd week of September.
Reason : Sharp spike upside as a part of prevailing upmove. TImeframe : Mid 3rd week of September.
Reason : Continuation of prevailing upside move to re-rest the recent highs. Timeframe : Early next week.
Reason : small two wave correction to south to trigger upside spark. Timeframe : Today, around 17.00-19.00 IST.
Reason : Exhaustion of down side correction in time manner to trigger upside spark. Timeframe: Today; around 17.00-19.00 IST.
Reason : Continuation of existing upside momentum to retest the highs. TImeframe : By early 4th week of September.