Interesting that in the first 2 timed cycles as I was charting ai, I called several times for people to sell and take profits as I saw this breaking down. Then when I saw the third cycle set up I thought to myself, ok, well it looks like it wants to run. Then the chit hit the fan with a critical report on their Accounting/Reporting Practices as presented by Deloitte their Auditing Co. who is also one of the Big 4 Acctg. Firms in the US and though it raised many an eyebrow I thought that for sure Deloitte would not be caught performing a bad audit and felt that although a couple of class action law suits were brought forward, Deloitte would provide a statement to the Media Defending their Audit and saying that the courts will vindicate their practices... well that has not het happened. The fact that Deloitte has chosen to remain silent, to completely ignore this horrific criticism that essentially calls into question their credibility and integrity is the reason why ai is falling so dramatically now. The next support is at $17.85 and then $15.18.