Short BataIndia 1560 May CE

BataIndia has been in a bull run since last 3 months. As per daily pivot chats, R3 stands at 1537. Currently BataIndia 1560 CE is available for 10 rupee premium. 1560 CE seems to be a perfect short candidate with margin requirement of 1.45L and net ROI of 3.81%. If BataIndia Breaks 1540 will do adjustments.
You can track the payoff graph and live performance of the above spread using the below link.
Disclaimer: Objective of this post is to educate and help all members earn profit from trading. I am not a SEBI registered analyst and strongly recommend people not to trade in NSE/BSE/MCX market basis above recommendations. All the stock picks are momentum picks chosen using technical indicators and for education purpose only. I am not responsible for profit and losses or SEBI audits arising out of the above calls. Stock market trading and investment is subject to market risks. Contact your financial advisor before taking trades or trade at your own risk.
Gave full return of 5,500
