BDL #Closing 459.65#TradingDesk#3BarDecider

BDL #Closing 459.65#TradingDesk#3BarDecider

Trading Process
Active or Non Active : Tradeable (As Its low less than Previous close +Previous close*1%)
Not Active Stock Idea : Not Tradeable (As Its low is more than Previous close +Previous close*1%)
Success (As next few days High is more than previous close + Closing*3% nd more & stop loss not being hit of closing -closing *5%)
Stoped Out (As following next few days low is less than closing - Previous close*5% & high not more than closing + closing*3%)
Success (As next few days High is more than previous close + Closing*3% nd more & stop loss not being hit of closing -closing *5%)
BDLChart Patterns
