BHEL has been accumulated and now it is breaking out with volume.
Open Interest Analysis:
Graph 903,000 -756,000 96 55.54 2.30 0.80 21,000 2.15 2.40 21,000 39.00 63,000 0.50 0.60 42,000 -1.65 0.55 62.33 201 714,000 1,050,000 Graph
Graph 4,074,000 -1,722,000 748 61.55 1.75 1.00 21,000 1.65 1.75 63,000 40.00 42,000 0.85 0.95 21,000 -1.10 0.90 62.34 409 1,764,000 2,352,000 Graph
Graph 3,066,000 1,659,000 728 58.15 1.15 0.65 21,000 1.15 1.30 21,000 41.00 21,000 1.20 1.55 21,000 -2.05 1.35 61.37 174 777,000 945,000 Graph
Graph 5,229,000 3,150,000 1,453 65.86 0.90 0.10 84,000 0.90 0.95 210,000 42.00 210,000 1.20 2.40 231,000 -3.95 2.00 64.32 23 21,000 168,000