BLX: What's the worst case scenario?

By CrashWhen
Zero, but if crypto does collapse, everyone including myself will learn the the hard way it's not easy to get rich quick. That being said, taking a look at the weekly timeframe Bitcoin just got a violent bounce off the weekly logarithmic regression bands, and another bounce off the .236 fib level of the pitchfork.

Regardless, losing the 1.618 fib is a back breaker for the bulls, and should open the trap door for capitulation. There are bullish divergences, but it's not off a significant fib level, VPOC, or support, so I don't believe the bottom is in yet.

Every bitcoin bear market, Bitcoin has wicked or overshot the lowest bound of the regression bands which is currently at $11,000. In August 2015, bitcoin did overshoot the regression bands to a tune of 27%. Applying that to today, the absolute lowest bitcoin could go based on historical data is ~$8,000. 2.618 fib extension so happens to be near $8,000 as well.

LTF: snapshot
SPX is close to topping imo, if BTC can get to $17,000-$17,200, Golden Pocket + Volume Liquidity Area, that will be a good short imo.

Not a big fan of on chain data, but the number of wallets holding 10+ bitcoin is increasing as the price of bitcoin is decreasing, so that's interesting to note.

I still have my eyes set at the golden pocket, 100M MA, between $10,000-$12,000. The most amount of consecutive bearish monthly Heikinashi Candles bitcoin has ever notched is 14 months. We are currently in month 12 with November ending in a few days. Now is the time to start paying attention to crypto full time.

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