
BNB -- All Time High -- $725 to $750 target -- t =~ 10 days

By drN2keul
See color coding on chart and notes for details. BNB consolidated for quite some time in between low and high points. The coin itself is the most patterned I have seen in the market. Buying range $600-$615. Sell range or strategy is up to you. I stagger the shoulder of a bull run in % of principal invested liquidated on ROI personally. You'll rarely time the peak, this ensures profit. Don't chase this after it pierces $700 until consolidation in that range of $700-$725. Then I will be back to re-evaluate. As a rule of my own, all profit gleaned is left behind on this coin (10% of the ROI is left in the coin, on the advent I was off in timing the peak and / or the coin price continues to run; if all plays out... this is 'house money' so you stand nothing to lose from the principal investment). This is not financial advice as a typical disclaimer. I day trade crypto regularly, the signals went off for this, so I thought I should share with the community. Give it a like, dislike, or start a conversation. Happy to talk, stay learning!

Best regards,

Dr. Nick 2 Keul
binanceBNBbnbusdChart PatternsTrend Analysis
