
Ninja Talks EP 6: Silence is Violence

One hugely successful trick I've used over the years and yonks I've traded that very few (if any) traders use is certain self talk while analysing the charts.

Most traders don't think, they react - and not with a coherent plan, but with an emotional rollercoaster of word spaghetti they dare not verbalise.

Problem with this is you're at the mercy of your own emotions and other (more qualified) traders WHO DO THINK and verbalise what they're going to do will eat your lunch.

So what to do?

Well here's what I did/do;

My mentor taught me to verbalise my thoughts while analysing.

What this does is quite fascinating, I suggest you try it - you begin to call BS on your own thinking, you stick to the facts, you're quicker at coming to a decision, you don't get analysis paralysis and ultimately your sense of self feels lighter and less burdened.

As time went on (although I still do this occasionally) I switched to consciously taking control of the inner voice and "Verbalising" it in the same way - this is like Super Saiyan Goku level psychology right here so take notes kids, but yeah I'd be extremely precise in manufacturing the inner voice to do my bidding.

It's scary how useful these two methods in combination can be, yet very few think - they just react.

I think it's time you choose what type of trader you want to be.

Keep your blades sharp Ninja and I'll see you in the next episode!


Beyond Technical Analysis
