
Why following TA is so difficult: Maybe it's perspective

If you've been on trading view for more than a day you can see that the opinions of people are split almost 50/50. It's fascinating that there are compelling arguments for both sides but I'll try to leave those issues to readers to research. Here is what I would like to propose. For one, look at the long term vs. the short term. Most bears don't deny that in the long run crypto is here to stay and will go up in value, even bitcoin. Most bulls won't deny that their are some crazy dips, but again, they believe in the short term and long run prices will increase quicker than the average.

In the chart I put a couple of red arrows and blue arrows at various points to show that the chart; depending on where and how you look you can establish lower lows and higher lows. Before you pick any particular TA author to follow, decide for yourself if you are looking for some quick money or if you are in this because you have asked the right questions.

All currencies come and go, some have made it a long time, and some have disappeared practically overnight. It's sometimes painful, but read the white papers on some of the cryptos. You will find out quickly with just a little research if a crypto is hopes and dreams or serves a purpose which is extremely important for market adoption and use cases.

Lastly, run some numbers. In a lot of the sciences making rough estimates based on what you see globally can give you a hint as to what the future holds and how much impact something is currently having on the world.

Key points to consider: "Who is using bitcoin?" "When will ideas come to fruition?" "Are countries adopting it?" "Who are the current legitimate adopters?" "How much money and from whom has the money come from so far?" Lastly, "How well do you understand what you are investing in?"
