23 Years, 4 Recessions

There is not much explanation needed, every 7,7 years a recession happens.
Curiously, if you expand the same chart to the past, it reaches the top of the Great Recession.
So in March of 2023 we reach the top????

In 2015 we didn't have a crash. Maybe, just maybe, the 2023 crash will be a double-sized one. Since we still owe the 2015 capitulation.
Look at this Head and Shoulders that is shaping in the RSI of SPX
The cycle of nature is not exactly 7 years. It is actually 7 years and 2 months, and more specifically the cycle of nature is 2.618 days. Which is not a random number, it is pfi+1. A golden ratio. The same cycle occurs with everything in nature, like the economy.

2.618 is 2x7x11x17, which is also 1000*(phi+1)

So I would guess that the boom will happen in Q1 of 2023. That is when the US runs out of money. They did a favor to the economy and let the US get a free-loan one last time. And raise the debt ceiling for a last time. A legislation was passed that allowed for one and only one time, the last time, to borrow without the vote of the Republicans. I don't live in the US so take what I say with a grain of salt, I don't know the specifics of the Constitution and how US Politics work. I know one thing, that I know nothing. And this is a quote I stole from one of my ancestors.

The Great Bankruptcy is coming...
