Based on the distance, 22.01.2018 is a January 2018 Low, if $1236 Low 11.12.2017 fails to survive, while based on the behavior, 11.12.2017 is a December 2017 Low and so far the low price has been recorded at 11.12.2017.

The average movement of the price in the 63D Time Span shows that the price is able to move up to the end of the 63D Time Span, except when the price is at $1375 High 2016, the upward movement is broken before the end of 63D Time Span (-21D before end).

Currently the price moves on the 7th Bar, where the closest is when the price moves from $1205 Low to $1357 High with the 6th Bar is Red, ideally refers to this move the 7th bar is Green and has the potential to complete the full 63D Time Span.

Could It Be... ?

---oOo--- From The Desk Of NewBie ---oOo---
