China pump

By hungry_hippo
Looks to me like China is gonna pump tonight or tomorrow night, MFI oversold
Just want to mention that indicators and chart patterns don't show a direction for EUrop tonight.... DAX is just bouncing sideways, not sure if it's a bull flag or rolling over, and hard to tell when it's going to break as well.
… and there you go, HS up .55%, US futures in the green, and I expect it to stay that way until the Euro markets open.

Euro markets are entirely a different story, I have no idea which way they will go in the morning....
This chart could come in pretty handy for trading China ETFs...
Up .8% now, they're not pumping US futures much though.

I gotta start trading China ETFs, their market might be easier to read....

I think the big tank happens when US, CHIna, and Europe all get overbought at the same time in a week or two.
Wow, so the Hang Seng dumped that whole .8% pump and went red. MFI did scroll up as expected though, making for yet another strange chart.

Pattern looks like a bear flag now....
After the initial headfake it did go up last night. Indicators now neutral though it looks like it's still headed up.
Holy crap does this MFer whipsaw and move a lot, does 0.5% moves both directions when it opens. Wow. Check it out in a shorter timeframe
hangsengHS1Technical Indicators
