Indo count industries

Stage 2 starting?

From concall: Home textile companies gaining market share:

See, as we are all mentioning about China + 1, China has faced dual problems. One is the duty tariff which U.S. increased. And the other was the Xinxiang cotton. So they lost the ground in - - as far as cotton is concerned, into convincing the buyer to buy from them.
Secondly, on the Pakistan front, the supply chain was volatile and their economy is not doing well. So the confidence of placing long-term order is not there on to Pakistan supplier. So both this got impacted in the process, and these were gains made by the Indians. And Indians are already well positioned in the marketplace with a fair distribution base, both in offline and online businesses. And they have serviced the customers well in times of difficulties also. And we have maintained the market share.
So I think the jump was regaining the confidence whenever there was a disruption, because India stood out to supply these goods even in difficult times during COVID. So I do believe that definitely India stands out today among the top 5 countries in exports, and it will definitely gain because of this.
