KISS Trendline Strategy - LemonTree

By NaveenGr

Had shared simple trendline strategy here -

Lets check if LemonTree satisfies it or not -

1. Filter -
a. Stock price less than 5000 - True.
b. Should be liquid(good volume) - Weekly
volume in millions, True.

2. Time frame - Weekly

3. Find trend of the stock - Up Trend.

4. Check if its following a trendline. Should be at least an year long- Following this trendline since march 2023.

5. Check market sentiment - Check trend of Nifty.
Nifty in Up Trend.

6. BUY - on test of trendline - Buy near 140.

So, Lemontree has satisfied our strategy and has given buy near 140.
buyChart PatternsLEMONTREETrend Analysistrendlineanalysis

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