Nifty 50 Index


study("TRENDMETER", overlay=false)

offset = 2 // How many bars to the left to set the right side of the speedometer
radius = 10 // Radius in bars of the semi circle
y_axis = 0.00 // Where to place the y axis
y_scale = 100 // Y axis scaling. 100 by default will size the semicircle to fit with for example RSI or any other oscillator with a 0..100 range

var float pi = 2 * asin(1)
// Required variables needed for calculations

x_axis = array.new_int(radius * 2, 0)
for i = offset to offset + 2 * radius - 1
array.set(x_axis, i - offset, time)

one_bar = int(change(time))
right_side = array.get(x_axis, 0)
left_side = array.get(x_axis, 2 * radius - 1)
x_center = array.get(x_axis, radius - 1)

f_draw_sector(_sector_num, _total_sectors, _line_limit, _radius, _y_axis, _y_scale, _line_color, _line_width)=>
_segments_per_sector = floor(_line_limit / _total_sectors)
_total_segments = _segments_per_sector * _total_sectors
_radians_per_segment = pi / _total_segments
_radians_per_sector = pi / _total_sectors
_start_of_sector = _radians_per_sector * (_sector_num -1)
for _i = 0 to _segments_per_sector -1
_segment_line = = array.get(x_axis, int(round(cos(_start_of_sector + _radians_per_segment * _i) * (_radius - 1) + radius - 1))),
y1 = _y_axis + sin(_start_of_sector + _radians_per_segment * _i) * _y_scale,
x2 = array.get(x_axis, int(round(cos(_start_of_sector + _radians_per_segment * (_i + 1)) * (_radius - 1) + radius - 1))),
y2 = _y_axis + sin(_start_of_sector + _radians_per_segment * (_i + 1)) * _y_scale,
xloc = xloc.bar_time,
color = _line_color,
width = _line_width)

f_draw_base_line(_left, _right, _y_axis, _color, _width)=>
_base_line = = _left,
y1 = _y_axis,
x2 = _right,
y2 = _y_axis,
xloc = xloc.bar_time,
color = _color,
width = _width)

f_draw_needle(_val, _x_center, _radius, _y_axis, _y_scale, _color, _width)=>
_needle = = array.get(x_axis, int(round(cos(pi / 100 * _val) * (_radius - 1) + radius - 1))),
y1 = _y_axis + sin(pi / 100 * _val) * _y_scale,
x2 = _x_center,
y2 = _y_axis,
xloc = xloc.bar_time,
color = _color,
width = _width)

f_draw_tick(_num, _divisions, _radius_perc, _x_center, _radius, _y_axis, _y_scale, _color, _width)=>
_pos = pi / _divisions * _num
_tick = = array.get(x_axis, int(round(cos(_pos) * (_radius - 1) + radius - 1))),
y1 = _y_axis + sin(_pos) * _y_scale,
x2 = array.get(x_axis, int(round(cos(_pos) * (_radius - 1) * (1 - (_radius_perc / 100))+ _radius - 1))),
y2 = _y_axis + sin(_pos) * _y_scale * (1 - (_radius_perc / 100)),
xloc = xloc.bar_time,
color = _color,
width = _width)

// For placing labels in a simliar way to ticks
f_draw_sector_label(_num, _divisions, _radius, _y_axis, _y_scale, _color, _txtcolor, _text)=>
_pos = pi / _divisions * _num
_x_coord = array.get(x_axis, int(round(cos(_pos) * (_radius - 1)) + _radius - 1))
_y_coord = _y_axis + sin(_pos) * _y_scale
_sector_label = = _x_coord,
y = _y_coord,
xloc = xloc.bar_time,
color = _color,
textcolor = _txtcolor,
style = _pos <= pi / 6 ? label.style_label_right : _pos < pi / 6 * 2 ? label.style_label_lower_right : _pos <= pi / 6 * 4 ? label.style_label_down : _pos <= pi / 6 * 5 ? label.style_label_lower_left : label.style_label_left,
text = _text)
// Labelling for below the speedometer
f_draw_title_label(_radius_perc, _x_center, _y_axis, _y_scale, _color, _txtcolor, _text)=>
_title_label = = _x_center,
y = _y_axis - (_radius_perc / 100) * _y_scale,
xloc = xloc.bar_time,
color = _color,
textcolor = _txtcolor,
style= label.style_label_center,
text = _text)

f_draw_base_line(left_side, right_side, y_axis, color.white, 1)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Plot each sector and it's "glow"
f_draw_sector(1, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.yellow, 5)
f_draw_sector(1, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)

f_draw_sector(2, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale,, 5)
f_draw_sector(2, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)

f_draw_sector(3, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.gray, 5)
f_draw_sector(3, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)

f_draw_sector(4, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.lime, 5)
f_draw_sector(4, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)

f_draw_sector(5, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.yellow, 5)
f_draw_sector(5, 5, 20, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)

f_draw_tick(1, 5, 8, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 3)
f_draw_tick(2, 5, 8, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 3)
f_draw_tick(3, 5, 8, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 3)
f_draw_tick(4, 5, 8, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 3)

f_draw_tick(1, 10, 6, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)
f_draw_tick(3, 10, 6, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)
f_draw_tick(5, 10, 6, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)
f_draw_tick(7, 10, 6, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)
f_draw_tick(9, 10, 6, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.white, 1)

f_draw_sector_label(1, 10, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.yellow,, "Retrace")
f_draw_sector_label(3, 10, radius, y_axis, y_scale,, color.white, "Sell")
f_draw_sector_label(5, 10, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.gray, color.white, "Neutral")
f_draw_sector_label(7, 10, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.lime, color.white, "Buy")
f_draw_sector_label(9, 10, radius, y_axis, y_scale, color.yellow,, "Retrace")

src = close
len = 14

metric = rsi(src, len) // RSI is already 0..100 so no modification needed.

// Draw the needle and title using the metric
f_draw_needle(metric, x_center, radius, y_axis, y_scale,, 1)
f_draw_title_label(25, x_center, y_axis, y_scale,,, "TRENDMETER")
