
2 month short

By G13Man
re did a few down trend lines , looks like we hit my new down trend line
i did not do my usual fall Put due to the high cost of PUTs this year ]
Lamberts fund seems to buy every time this dog gets low [ taking away profit potential for my puts ]
I see the problem that shopping malls are going bust still as people buy on line and do not see how sears can rent these out for profit when they could not make profit !
1st target 31.27 , trailing stop until then
2nd target 29 ,, 31.40 stop loss
3rd target , 27.32 will take 1/2 off , back to trailing stop
will exit 1st week of May to stop time decay
quick ref from yahoo financials
1 st may 37 P @ 1.59 , 39 P@ 2.2
19th June 37 P @ 3.6 , 39P @ 4.8
