Snowflake Inc.

Short Sensitive Stock Snowflake

This one is headed for the dumps. Dead cat pattern right here. I'm not insulting cats, it's just a pattern. Remember, when I say a stock is headed for the dumps, I mean the stock, not you, courageous longer-er of SNOW. You're not a bad human. SNOW is just primed for a market-wide dump. Don't feel like you need to defend SNOW. Stocks don't have feelings either. They are meaningless concepts that the citadel somehow bamboozled you into thinking they have tangible value. They don't. There's a reason most gains are unrealized. Your stocks aren't valuable until you get rid of them. They don't take offense. You shouldn't either.

Short TESLA too while you're at it, which is almost like shorting SNOW. TSLA has a lot of sensitive folks who take short calls personally. Please, don't mistake the word "SHORT TURDSLA" or PUTS ON TESLA" for "I think you're an awful human being who doesn't deserve to be alive." SHORT TURDSLA is just a funny way of saying TSLA is a turd stock in a bubble and you should sell calls or buy puts on. Lighten up. If you were really long on it you're fucking rich so no need to troll.

I get it. When our parents don't reflect our emotions as a kid, things can be tough. Been there, healing that. But please, let's do the work together and not get salty on TV. Let's find the light inside all of us. You can do no wrong if you are long on yourself. You can make a true, real fortune and have real tangible wealth with 0DTE calls on oneself. Start now. Who cares about theta.

Remember, when we lash out, we're not being sensitive. We're being reactive and non-relational, which is the epitome of the patriarchy and colonialism we seek to destroy.

