
Wild Wild West

oh what a fun time to be had. Everyone knows (a bit more clearly) that the Fed is moving up its tapering and uneasing schedule. But there seem to be many that want to grab as much long as they can, seeing the end over the horizon. "Yeah but not yet" seems to be the motto right now -- that coupled with falling interest rates and an uncertain labor market. So have fun, put off the apocalypse for a few months (August? September?) and join the fray if you dare.

I'm currently bullish only because we seem to be oversold with little appetite, price action wise, for more selling -- obviously the big boys will use this time to reposition.

One thing I will say about timing the downward spiral coming up, Europe and Emerging Markets have already taken a bigger hit than us and if they break before the Fed meets, we could feel the tremors here before we're ready.
