

Cycle 1 to 5 (Old) Date Cycle 1 to 5 (Old)
0-L 1077 Cal. By 0 Point H-L 6-L 1165 Cal. By 6 Point Note: 1165(L), 1238(H), 1197(L) = 40 Points from 1165 = 1205
1-H 1189 112 7-H 1285 120
3-H 1271 82 9-H 1379 94
5-H 1348 77 11-H 1600 221
2-L 1084 7 105 8-L 1214 49
4-L 1136 59 135 10-L 1272 107 New High Will Start From Here
6-L (Start New Cycle) 1165 88 183

Cycle 1 to 5 (New) Cycle 1 to 5 (New) Projection
0-L 1800 Cal. By 0 Point H-L 6-L 2018 Cal. By 6 Point Note: 2018+72=2090 and 2090-40=2050 One more entry point and then 2130)
1-H 1942 142 7-H 2138
3-H 2016 74 9-H 2232
5-H 2100 84 11-H 2453
2-L 1812 12 130 8-L 2067
4-L 1813 13 203 10-L 2125 New High Will Start From Here towards 2453
