HEADER - This is a follow up of previous work. As a precaution, first rule of trading is don't lose money. As a reminder, second rule of trading is don't forget first rule. As usual, this is meant to used with - whenever possible - continuously updating notes. As always, when price moves against stated plan and updates have not been provided, assume plan is wrong, scrap it and trade defensively.
SUMMARY - So this is titled "incomplete" bc it's all the time I have today, and maybe tomorrow, and maybe the rest of the week. I am in the midddle of a family thing, so this stuff doesn't even register on the radar. With that said, I hope it is somewhat useful.
DETAILS - See previous posts for background.
NOTES - Probably not many this time around. When I am not watching, I can NOT SEE ANYTHING. So if it goes off script, SCRAP IT and trade defensively.