Gold - which way is it going to go? An argument for DOWN.

Just about everybody and his brother thinks we're in a wave 4 triangle, and we may be. But when you start digging a little deeper into this triangle pattern there are more than a few problems. I won't get into them, but there are enough where I'vve been convinced this may look like a triangle, But I don't think it is. Here's another scenario, that being, an ABC correction where the B wave, itself, is a triangle. and I'm wondering if this morning's high might been the end of B and the beginning of the C wave that'll be going down. How far? I've taken 3 fib rations: .618, .786 and .886 and have projected them down from this morning's high. Keep in mind, wave 4 cannot overlap wave 1 and none of these do, but the .886 comes within 20 bucks of it. This pattern would be a zig-zag since the B only retraced by 50%. Have a look and see what you think!
Sorry for my sloppy writing. Should have proof read...
Chart PatternsWave Analysis
