Bart Simpson stealing your Bitcoins

By globalz11112
Ever since i started with forex and crypto almost 2 years ago i was wondering what even

is goin on ? In my early days i read every book i could get my hands on, always

thinking the magical answer to trading must be somewhere hidden in those books. Edward

Magee , Murphy, Voigt were definitely the good ones.
95 % of all traders loose their money.
And yet, here we are.
Retail traders use all these lagging indicators, combining them, changing settings and

interpreting things diffrently on all sort of timeframes.
We use literally over 100 year old technical analyses to predict the future based on

past price action?
Doesnt that sound stupid to anyone?
Tell that to your neighbour and watch the irritated look on his face.
The best way to predict the price would be to manipulate it yourself. Of course this is

already being done simply through the media.
The Bitcoin price is choreographed through news. Good news always come in bulk as will

bad news. Coincidence?
We might aswell lower the opacity of our candlesticks to zero and trade on google trend

searches for "bitcoin". More than 50 searches day for one week means we are in an

uptrend. Wait till cointelegrah trashes bitcoin and buy the dip.
While my tinfoil hat is already warming up, who is owning and funding cointelegraph?
Sadly we are not all billionaires and can control the bigger picture ourself.

But what about the small picture, how is the price manipulated on the 1minute to 4

hour timeframe?
Nowadays you cant look on any chart without seeing Bart Simpson like modern art

But what is even going on?
From my understanding whales go stop hunting. If the bigger trend is up, and we are

trading around support a whale would love to squeeze the longs, triggering the stops to

push the price a ittle lower, to then buy his crypto at a discount and start the pump.

High frequency trading bots then create the illusion of a weak pullback, so noobs fomo

in and pump the price even higher. With every stop hunt, pump, barting, the momentum gets

weaker and weaker. At key resistence the whale decides that the price should go down

and starts the short squeeze setup. If anyone has a better understanding i would like

to hear a different theory.
animalsbitconnectTrend Analysiswtf
