Prediction for Bank Nifty's Najoomi Ji is an astrologer and trader who combines astrology with technical analysis, including Fibonacci retracement and pitchfork techniques, to make accurate predictions about the stock market. Najoomi Ji recently made a prediction for Bank Nifty's future, stating that the index would reach the 41,200 levels, consolidate briefly, and then move towards 42,500.
According to Najoomi Ji's astrological analysis, the current period is favorable for the stock market, but there could be some turbulence due to Saturn's transit in the seventh house. Based on his Fibonacci retracement analysis, Najoomi Ji predicts that Bank Nifty will reach the 41,200 levels, which is the 50% retracement level of the recent decline from 43,800 to 38,600. He suggests that the market will then consolidate and dip slightly to around 40,500 before resuming its upward trend towards 42,500.
While there are risks involved in any stock market prediction, Najoomi Ji's experience and success in the field suggest that his approach is worth considering for traders and investors. However, it is important to note that the stock market is notoriously unpredictable, and unforeseen events can impact its trajectory. Overall, Najoomi Ji's unique approach to predicting the stock market's movements using astrology and technical analysis has gained him a reputation for making accurate predictions, making his insights valuable to those interested in exploring different methodologies.
NIFTY Sentiment for DEC 7 2022
This is purely based on Astrological and Statistical parameters . Pattern matching of current data with past for coming up with a projection using Artificial Intelligence.
The technical levels to use are primary and this is just a sentimental analysis projection
Use the Weekly levels for Trade decisions .
NIFTY trend change timings for 25 to 27th August 2020Hi All,
I have been predicting the Trend change timings of NIFTY on a daily basis . Here is the trend change up to EXPIRY 27th August 2020.
Please note there is a sudden change drastic change expected on 12.11 on 27th August please be careful and book profits or trail Stop loss accordingly.
8/25/2020 0:00 10:03
8/25/2020 0:00 10:14
8/25/2020 0:00 12:17
8/25/2020 0:00 12:28
8/25/2020 0:00 14:23
8/25/2020 0:00 14:27
8/26/2020 0:00 9:18
8/26/2020 0:00 10:03
8/26/2020 0:00 11:13
8/26/2020 0:00 12:13
8/26/2020 0:00 13:29
8/26/2020 0:00 14:23
8/26/2020 0:00 15:23
8/27/2020 0:00 9:17
8/27/2020 0:00 9:55
8/27/2020 0:00 9:59
8/27/2020 0:00 12:11> Warning change can be BIG.
8/27/2020 0:00 14:19
8/27/2020 0:00 14:28
NIFTY Sentiment past mapping and future upto December 2021
I have made an effort to map Astrological parameters (converted into an index of Sentiment) with Nifty from 1996 to 2020! . This will give a sentiment indicator (not price) for NIFTY in the long run. The 1.5 min video is uploaded in You tube under " Nifty Astro Sentiment" under my name.
The future projection is made upto December 2021
People who are interested can have a look .