S&P 500 sliding down! Markets under pressure #SP500S&P 500 sliding down! Markets under pressure #SP500
📉 The S&P 500 is trending downward today as market volatility rises. Investors react to economic data, Fed policy expectations, and global uncertainties. Stay alert and manage risk accordingly! #SP500 #StockMarket #Investing #trade #markets #finance #money
Silver DivergenceDivergence and Gold/Silver Ratio
Gold and silver are thought to move together, and often they do. There are periods where the Gold Trust (GLD) and Silver Trust (SLV) move in opposite directions and periods where one metal outperforms the other.
Gold is currently outperforming silver. Such discrepancies occur and are monitored by the gold/silver ratio. The gold/silver ratio shows how many ounces of silver it takes to buy an ounce of gold. Since 1975, the average is near 60; right now it stands near 80 ($1,187 divided by $14.99).
While gold outperformance, or silver's underperformance relative to gold, was very noticeable in early 2016, this has actually been going on for a long time. The outperformance has become even more pronounced since 2016. To start 2016, gold traded at $1,069 and silver at $13.80 -- the gold/silver ratio of 77.5. As of Oct. 2018, it's at 80. Gold prices have risen relative to silver prices quite steadily for years. This is mainly due to silver price weakness since peaking near $50 in 2011 (when silver outperformed gold).
Beginner to Advanced Trading
Every successful investor has one thing in common, they read as many investment books as they can. Trading in the share market requires a basic knowledge of all the aspects that can influence the prices of shares, and it can be gathered by reading books regularly.
Skills #1 and #2 – Research and Analysis. ...
Skill #3 – Adapting Your Market Analysis to Changing Market Conditions. ...
Skill #4 – Staying in the Game. ...
Skills #5 and #6 – Discipline and Patience. ...
Bonus Skill #7 – Record Keeping. ...
In the End.
Crude Oil min TF analysis Hey guys welcome back to Nifty Scalper. here in this video we will be talking about crude oil which is nothing but us oil. I have a 5 minute timeframe analysis on crude oil. You can trade as per our plan but remember you have to use top losses on every trade. Crude oil can give a big rally with the upside momentum or it can give a breakdown with the specific target because the train is upside. I hope you like my analysis and if you like you can follow me I will be updating charts like same for crude oil gold and even for Indian index charts thank you guys see you in the next video.
Experience vs Time Curve of a Traders life My agenda for this video: I wanted to portray how Experience and Profits are not directly proportional to each other, but the process gives us strength to create an edge in the stock market, not become a gambler and follow something of our creation. This creation leads us to profitability as well as experience.
A trader Experiences many things in life; I have demonstrated my journey in simple terms here.
It's a motivational video / a road map for those blinded by call providers and tip sellers. One you should never rely on, the only person you can rely on in the stock market
is not even yourself but your setup.
This video contains differences between experience time and Profit Loss curves.
I have converted the IDBI bank chart (it looked suitable as per the uptrend I wanted to portray in terms of experience vs. time curve )
Directions: Upside movement for this stock in this video does not mean you are profitable; it means you are gaining experience; in the start of the video, I have explained how one confuses lady luck profits with increasing experiences
Purpose of this video: the sole purpose is to motivate my fellow traders to rise and learn to use the trading view community and tools and move above the infraction point in their trading life.
I hope you will enjoy this video. Comment your Thoughts on improvement
The IRCTC Incident - Who would pay for the MTM Shortfall?The IRCTC Incident - Who would pay for the MTM Shortfall?
Yesterday I was one of those who could use the 30% free fall in the share prices of IRCTC and added a few shares that are now available at an affordable price per share thanks to the share split done by the company. The split was done with the good intention of enabling more participation from the retail traders/investors and that is what happened as I could buy those shares at 700. The media is now full of articles trying to explain why was there a fall and why the convenience fee is important, etc.
However, no one is asking the question - who would fund the intraday Marked To Market losses that SEBI now mandates FNO traders to top up?
A few months ago it was Tata Motors whose share prices tanked big time when they announced semi-conductor shortage-related constraints, and then recently it was the turn of TCS, whose share prices were hammered post results and now IRCTC just because of a circular!!
I am wondering if the watchdog of the capital markets is indeed watching this? And if so, what it proposes to do to protect the interests of the genuine #traders and #Investors?
Consider this --
The IRCTC Nov 21 Future contract close price on 28-10 was 911
Lot size = 1625
IRCTC Futures low for 29-10 = 651
Difference = 260
Max MTM Loss = 422,500 per lot
EOD price = 846
Difference = 65
Max MTM Loss = 105,625 per lot
Who is going to fund this shortfall? Should the traders/investors be penalized for such unexpected shortfalls?
Who will answer these questions is my question to SEBI? I hope industry leaders like Nithin Kamath, Motilal Oswal, and the like would help retail traders/investors get some answers.
I was lucky not have been a part of FNO trade in the scrip as so far I am not familiar with its intraday price action. However, I am keen to know if any of the readers of this post were caught on the wrong foot or on the right foot?
Your views/experiences would help spread awareness and awaken the regulators to work for the benefit of the retail traders/investors.
Thank you!