Maintaining Trading Journal.Maintaining Trading Journal :-
Maintaining Trading Journal is one of the key aspect of becoming a good trader. This is something which I have struggled to do- I always planned to keep a trading journal but after sometime I failed to maintain it or continue it(Mainly due to the losses that I incurred in between which am really not motivated to write down).
However after some time I have realized that without a journal or written records I tend to repeat the same mistakes again and again. So after spending some time on how to make a journal and looking at several templates online/copying them - I have set one for me.
This idea is to share the template to everyone.
There are three sections of journals:-
1. Trade inputs :- Inputs related to trade
2. Technical Characteristics - Columns which can be calculated using a formula and they can give some insights.
3. Takeaways from the trade:- Kind of diary to record your thought process around this trade. Strategy/ Rules/Reasons of exit/Mistakes /Learnings etc.
I hope this can help you to some extent.
** Please Note:- Content entered there is completely random and sample data.