UK companies operating in the same movies/entertainment industry

The list below has UK companies that operate under the same industry, movies/entertainment. The list helps track their performance, income statement, and more. Sorted by any necessary metric, it can show the most expensive stocks of the industry such as HOLLYWOOD BOWL GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01 or those with the best price dynamics like XILAM ANIMATION EUR0.10, thus assisting in designing strategies of any focus.
Market cap
Change %
Rel Volume
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
0JVDLIVE NATION ENTERTAINMENT INC COM STK USD0.0122.04 B GBP122.80 USD−3.69%1.18 K2.1245.252.17 GBP+106.62%0.00%Consumer services
ITVITV ORD GBP0.102.92 B GBP78.05 GBX−1.01%1.4 M0.137.550.10 GBP+100.00%6.34%Consumer services
0Z1QMANCHESTER UTD PLC NEW COM USD0.0005 CL 'A'1.8 B GBP13.590 USD−1.35%2.4 K2.27−0.81 GBP−833.18%0.00%Consumer services
0QJQZEAL NETWORK SE NPV778.91 M GBP42.9 EUR+0.94%00.0019.721.81 GBP+248.32%2.57%Consumer services
Strong buy
0N7NCOMPAGNIE DES ALPES NPV704.29 M GBP16.58 EUR+0.85% GBP+1.62%5.50%Consumer services
Strong buy
BOWLHOLLYWOOD BOWL GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01425.63 M GBP250.5 GBX+0.60%681.2 K0.5914.470.17 GBP−12.66%4.84%Consumer services
Strong buy
RNKRANK GROUP ORD GBP0.1388888393.48 M GBP85.4 GBX+1.67%4.97 K0.0012.430.07 GBP+126.73%1.79%Consumer services
Strong buy
EVOKEVOKE PLC ORD GBP0.005 (DI)297.8 M GBP67.40 GBX+1.43%160.7 K0.15−0.37 GBP+3.25%0.00%Consumer services
Strong buy
0HX1EAGLE FOOTBALL GROUP EUR1.52290.34 M GBP2.000 EUR−0.50%221.09−0.11 GBP+88.97%0.00%Consumer services
0M7VSPORT LISBOA E BENFICA-FUTEBOL SAD EUR5 (REGD)61.94 M GBP3.30 EUR+1.85%10.00−1.16 GBP−844.27%0.00%Consumer services
0IB7EUROPACORP EUR0.3447.36 M GBP0.462 EUR−3.95%3150.50−0.03 GBP−702.38%0.00%Consumer services
Strong buy
EMANEVERYMAN MEDIA GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.1034.65 M GBP38.0 GBX0.00%4.01 K0.05−0.02 GBP+68.05%0.00%Consumer services
Strong buy
INSGINSIG AI PLC ORD GBP0.0121.19 M GBP18.6 GBX+3.47%53.21 K0.510.00%Consumer services
XPFXP FACTORY PLC ORD GBP0.012519.71 M GBP11.15 GBX−0.89%32.16 K0.09−0.00 GBP−75.00%0.00%Consumer services
Strong buy
REATREACT GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.12517.25 M GBP75.0 GBX+2.74%4 K0.122,500.000.00 GBP−86.96%0.00%Consumer services
Strong buy
ZINZINC MEDIA GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0012515.46 M GBP63.5 GBX0.00%25.01 K3.36−0.13 GBP0.00%Consumer services
Strong buy
B90B90 HOLDINGS PLC ORD NPV13 M GBP2.96 GBX0.00%00.000.00%Consumer services
0GJSXILAM ANIMATION EUR0.1011.96 M GBP2.400 EUR+4.89%1363.544.570.44 GBP+461.71%0.00%Consumer services
ZOOZOO DIGITAL GROUP ORD GBP0.0110.69 M GBP10.14 GBX−6.85%1.23 M0.42−0.12 GBP−165.30%0.00%Consumer services
OMIPONE MEDIA IP GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0059.23 M GBP4.16 GBX0.00%4500.001.33%Consumer services
0O3XINTERTAINMENT AG NPV8.98 M GBP0.625 EUR0.00%250.04−0.03 GBP−67.12%0.00%Consumer services
PIERBRIGHTON PIER GROUP PLC (THE) ORD GBP0.258.76 M GBP24.0 GBX+2.13%10.11 K0.25−0.10 GBP−154.48%0.00%Consumer services
CASSCASSELL CAPITAL PLC ORD GBP0.001462.87 K GBP0.0550 GBX−4.35%22.92 K0.010.00%Consumer services