Fibonacci Extention / Retracment / Pivot Points by DGT

// ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ //
//# * ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
//# *
//# * Study : Fibonacci Extention / Retracment / Pivot Points
//# * - Volume and Volatility AddOns
//# * Author : © dgtrd
//# *
//# * Revision History
//# * Release : Apr 19, 2021
//# * Update : May 11, 2021 : added ability to draw simultaneously Extensions or Retracements + Pivot Points
//# * added ability to filter Pivot Points Support or Resistance Levels based on Price Action
//# * Update : May 22, 2021 : added ability to draw Historical Pivot Points
//# * Update : Jan 29, 2022 : made labels much more customizable, slight improvments and converted to pine v5
//# *
//# * ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
// ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ //

indicator('Fibonacci Extention / Retracment / Pivot Points by DGT', 'FIBs ʙʏ DGT ☼☾', true, max_lines_count = 500, max_labels_count = 500)

// ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ //
// Fibonacci Retracement / Extention / Pivot Points and Zig Zag
// ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ //

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// -Inputs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

tooltip_threshold = 'Deviation is a multiplier that affects how much the price should deviate from the previous pivot in order for the bar to become a new pivot' +
'\n\nDepth affects the minimum number of bars that will be taken into account when building'

tooltip_pivot_point = 'A pivot point is a technical analysis indicator used to determine the overall trend of the market over different time frames'

tooltip_zigzag = 'The Zig Zag indicator is used to identify price trends then connected by straight lines that help the trader visual the price action' +
'This indicator works to eliminate confusion over small price changes or fluctuations and aims to project trend changes overtime'
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

group_pick = 'Pick a Fibonacci Tool'

i_isFib = input.bool (true, 'Pick a Fibonacci Tool', inline='FIB', group=group_pick)
i_fibTool = input.string('Pivot Points', '             ',
options=['Pivot Points', 'Retracements', 'Retracements + Pivot Points', 'Extentions', 'Extentions + Pivot Points'], inline='FIB', group=group_pick)

i_fibTime = input.bool (true, 'Fib Time Zones', inline='TZ', group=group_pick)
i_tzColor = input.color(#2196f3, '' , inline='TZ', group=group_pick)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

group_pivot = 'Fibonacci Pivot Points Settings'

i_htf_mode = input.string('Auto', 'Pivot Points TimeFrame', options=['Auto', 'User Defined'], inline='HTF', group=group_pivot, tooltip=tooltip_pivot_point)
i_htf_user_ = input.string('Weekly', '          or User Defined',
options=['15 Min', '1 Hour', '4 Hour', 'Daily', 'Weekly', 'Monthly', 'Quarterly', 'Yearly'], inline='HTF1', group=group_pivot)

i_htf_user = i_htf_user_ == '15 Min' ? '15' :
i_htf_user_ == '1 Hour' ? '60' :
i_htf_user_ == '4 Hour' ? '240' :
i_htf_user_ == 'Daily' ? 'D' :
i_htf_user_ == 'Weekly' ? 'W' :
i_htf_user_ == 'Monthly' ? 'M' :
i_htf_user_ == 'Quarterly' ? '3M' : '12M'

i_levelsPvt = input.string('Levels', 'Level Labels', options=['Levels', 'Prices', 'Levels + Prices', 'None'], inline='pvt', group=group_pivot)
i_levelsPvtP = input.string('Pivot End', '', options=['Last Bar', 'Pivot End'], inline='pvt', group=group_pivot)
i_levelsPvtS = input.string('Small', '', options=['Small', 'Normal'], inline='pvt', group=group_pivot)

i_relevant = input.bool(false, 'Only Relevant Pivot Point Levels', group=group_pivot)
i_histPP = input.bool(false, 'Historical Pivot Points', group=group_pivot)
i_extend = input.bool(false, 'Extend Pivot Point Lines', inline='fLines', group=group_pivot)
i_extendL = input.string('Dashed', '', options=['Dashed', 'Dotted', 'Solid'], inline='fLines', group=group_pivot)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

group_fib_tool = 'Fibonacci Extention / Retracement / TimeZone Settings'

i_dev_thresh = ta.atr(10) / close * 100 * input.float(3, 'Deviation', minval=0, inline='Pivots', group=group_fib_tool, tooltip=tooltip_threshold)
i_depth =, '       Depth', minval=1, inline='Pivots', group=group_fib_tool)

i_levels = input.string('Levels', 'Level Labels', options=['Levels', 'Prices', 'Levels + Prices', 'None'], inline='fLines', group=group_fib_tool)
i_levelsP = input.string('Pivot Start', '', options=['Last Bar', 'Pivot Start'], inline='fLines', group=group_fib_tool)
i_levelsS = input.string('Small', '', options=['Small', 'Normal'], inline='fLines', group=group_fib_tool)

i_reverse = input.bool(false, 'Reverse Extention / Retracement Levels', group=group_fib_tool)
i_extendER = input.bool(false, 'Extend Extention / Retracement Lines', inline='fLine', group=group_fib_tool)
i_histPivot = (0, 'Historical Extention / Retracement Levels', minval=0, group=group_fib_tool)

i_histPivot2 =, 'Historical Time Zones', minval=0, group=group_fib_tool)
i_fib_tzl = input.bool(true, 'Time Zone Lables', inline='tz poz', group=group_fib_tool)
i_fib_tzlp = input.string('Left', '', options=['Right', 'Left'], inline='tz poz', group=group_fib_tool)
fib_tzlp = i_fib_tzlp == 'Left' ? label.style_label_left : label.style_label_right
i_fib_tzlp2 = input.string('Bottom', '', options=['Bottom', 'Top'], inline='tz poz', group=group_fib_tool)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

group_zigzag = 'ZigZag Settings'

i_zigZag = input.bool(false, 'Zig Zag  ', inline='ZZ', group=group_zigzag, tooltip=tooltip_zigzag)
i_zzColor = input.color(#c77a08, '', inline='ZZ', group=group_zigzag)
i_zzStyle = input.string('Solid', '', options=['Dashed', 'Dotted', 'Solid'], inline='ZZ', group=group_zigzag)
i_zzWidth =, '', minval=1, inline='ZZ', group=group_zigzag)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// -Calculations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

var line lineLast = na
var int iLast = 0
var int iPrev = 0
var float pLast = 0
var isHighLast = false // otherwise the last pivot is a low pivot

var iPrevPivot = 0
var pPrevPivot = 0.
var iLastPivot = 0
var pLastPivot = 0.

pivots(src, length, isHigh) =>
l2 = length * 2
c = nz(src[length])
ok = true

for i = 0 to l2 by 1
if isHigh and src > c
ok := false

if not isHigh and src < c
ok := false
if ok
[bar_index[length], c]
[int(na), float(na)]

[iH, pH] = pivots(high, i_depth / 2, true)
[iL, pL] = pivots(low, i_depth / 2, false)

calc_dev(base_price, price) =>
100 * (price - base_price) / price

pivotFound(dev, isHigh, index, price) =>
if isHighLast == isHigh and not na(lineLast)
// same direction
if isHighLast ? price > pLast : price < pLast
line.set_xy2(lineLast, index, price)
[lineLast, isHighLast]
[line(na), bool(na)]
// reverse the direction (or create the very first line)
if math.abs(dev) > i_dev_thresh
// price move is significant

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
[zzCol, zzWid, zzSty] = if not i_zigZag
[na, 1, line.style_dashed]
[i_zzColor, i_zzWidth, i_zzStyle == 'Solid' ? line.style_solid : i_zzStyle == 'Dotted' ? line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

id =, pLast, index, price, color=zzCol, width=zzWid, style=zzSty)
[id, isHigh]
[line(na), bool(na)]

if not na(iH)
dev = calc_dev(pLast, pH)
[id, isHigh] = pivotFound(dev, true, iH, pH)

if not na(id)
if id != lineLast
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
iPrevPivot := line.get_x1(lineLast)
pPrevPivot := line.get_y1(lineLast)
iLastPivot := line.get_x2(lineLast)
pLastPivot := line.get_y2(lineLast)

if not i_zigZag
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //


lineLast := id
isHighLast := isHigh
iPrev := iLast
iLast := iH
pLast := pH
if not na(iL)
dev = calc_dev(pLast, pL)
[id, isHigh] = pivotFound(dev, false, iL, pL)

if not na(id)
if id != lineLast
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
iPrevPivot := line.get_x1(lineLast)
pPrevPivot := line.get_y1(lineLast)
iLastPivot := line.get_x2(lineLast)
pLastPivot := line.get_y2(lineLast)

if not i_zigZag
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //


lineLast := id
isHighLast := isHigh
iPrev := iLast
iLast := iL
pLast := pL

iStartBase = i_histPivot > 0 ? ta.valuewhen(ta.change(iPrevPivot), iPrevPivot, i_histPivot) : ta.valuewhen(ta.change(iPrevPivot), iPrevPivot, 0)
pStartBase = i_histPivot > 0 ? ta.valuewhen(ta.change(pPrevPivot), pPrevPivot, i_histPivot) : ta.valuewhen(ta.change(pPrevPivot), pPrevPivot, 0)
iEndBase = i_histPivot > 0 ? ta.valuewhen(ta.change(iLastPivot), iLastPivot, i_histPivot - 1) : line.get_x2(lineLast)
pEndBase = i_histPivot > 0 ? ta.valuewhen(ta.change(pLastPivot), pLastPivot, i_histPivot - 1) : line.get_y2(lineLast)
iMidPivot = i_histPivot > 0 ? ta.valuewhen(ta.change(iPrevPivot), iPrevPivot, i_histPivot - 1) : line.get_x1(lineLast)
pMidPivot = i_histPivot > 0 ? ta.valuewhen(ta.change(pPrevPivot), pPrevPivot, i_histPivot - 1) : line.get_y1(lineLast)

iEndBase2 = i_histPivot2 > 0 ? ta.valuewhen(ta.change(iLastPivot), iLastPivot, i_histPivot2 - 1) : line.get_x2(lineLast)
pEndBase2 = i_histPivot2 > 0 ? ta.valuewhen(ta.change(pLastPivot), pLastPivot, i_histPivot2 - 1) : line.get_y2(lineLast)
iMidPivot2 = i_histPivot2 > 0 ? ta.valuewhen(ta.change(iPrevPivot), iPrevPivot, i_histPivot2 - 1) : line.get_x1(lineLast)
pMidPivot2 = i_histPivot2 > 0 ? ta.valuewhen(ta.change(pPrevPivot), pPrevPivot, i_histPivot2 - 1) : line.get_y1(lineLast)

// auto higher time frame code snippet from pine wizard LonesomeTheBlue

htf_auto = timeframe.period == '1' ? '240' :
timeframe.period == '3' ? '240' :
timeframe.period == '5' ? '240' :
timeframe.period == '15' ? 'D' :
timeframe.period == '30' ? 'D' :
timeframe.period == '45' ? 'D' :
timeframe.period == '60' ? 'W' :
timeframe.period == '120' ? 'W' :
timeframe.period == '180' ? 'W' :
timeframe.period == '240' ? 'W' :
timeframe.period == 'D' ? 'M' :
timeframe.period == 'W' ? '3M' : '12M'

htf = i_htf_mode == 'Auto' ? htf_auto : i_htf_user

// security function free price calculations

f_htf_ohlc(_htf) =>
var htf_o = 0.
var htf_h = 0.
var htf_l = 0.
htf_c = close

var htf_ox = 0.
var htf_hx = 0.
var htf_lx = 0.
var htf_cx = 0.

if ta.change(time(_htf))
htf_ox := htf_o
htf_o := open

htf_hx := htf_h
htf_h := high

htf_lx := htf_l
htf_l := low

htf_cx := htf_c[1]
htf_h := math.max(high, htf_h)
htf_l := math.min(low , htf_l)

[htf_ox, htf_hx, htf_lx, htf_cx, htf_o, htf_h, htf_l, htf_c]

[_, htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1, _, _, _, _] = f_htf_ohlc(htf)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// -Plotting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //

time_x10 = ta.valuewhen(ta.change(time(htf)), time, 1)
time_x11 = ta.valuewhen(ta.change(time(htf)), time, 0)
time_x21 = 2 * time_x11 - time_x10

f_drawLineX(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _xloc, _extend, _color, _style, _width) =>
var id =, _y1, _x2, _y2, _xloc, _extend, _color, _style, _width)

if _y1 > 0 and _y2 > 0
line.set_xy1(id, _x1, _y1)
line.set_xy2(id, _x2, _y2)
line.set_color(id, _color)
line.set_xy1(id, _x1, close)
line.set_xy2(id, _x2, close)
line.set_color(id, #00000000)

f_drawLabelX(_x, _y, _text, _xloc, _yloc, _color, _style, _textcolor, _size, _textalign, _tooltip) =>
var id =, _y, _text, _xloc, _yloc, _color, _style, _textcolor, _size, _textalign, _tooltip)
label.set_text(id, i_extend or i_extendER or i_levelsP == 'Last Bar' ? _text + '\n\n' : _text)
label.set_tooltip(id, _tooltip)

if _y > 0
label.set_xy(id, _x, _y)
label.set_textcolor(id, _textcolor)
label.set_xy(id, _x, close)
label.set_textcolor(id, #00000000)

f_crossingLevel(_curret, _level) =>
_level > _curret and _level < _curret[1] or _level < _curret and _level > _curret[1]

var ln = array.new_line()
var lb = array.new_label()

if ta.change(time) and array.size(ln) > 0
for i = 1 to array.size(ln) by 1

if ta.change(time) and array.size(lb) > 0
for i = 1 to array.size(lb) by 1

f_drawLineTZ(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _xloc, _extend, _c, _s, _w) =>
if _x1 - bar_index < 500
array.push(ln,, _y1, _x2, _y2, _xloc, _extend, _c, _s, _w))

f_drawLabelTZ(_x, _y, _text, _xloc, _yloc, _color, _style, _textcolor, _size, _textalign, _tooltip) =>
if _x - bar_index < 500
array.push(lb,, _y, _text, _xloc, _yloc, _color, _style, _textcolor, _size, _textalign, _tooltip))

f_drawLinePVT(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _xloc, _extend, _c, _s, _w) =>
if _y1 > 0
array.push(ln,, _y1, _x2, _y2, _xloc, _extend, _c, _s, _w))

f_drawLabelPVT(_x, _y, _text, _xloc, _yloc, _color, _style, _textcolor, _size, _textalign, _tooltip) =>
if _y > 0
array.push(lb,, _y, i_extend or i_levelsPvtP == "Last Bar" ? _text + '\n\n' : _text, _xloc, _yloc, _color, _style, _textcolor, _size, _textalign, _tooltip))

if i_fibTime
referance = math.round(iEndBase2 - iMidPivot2)

f_drawLineTZ(iMidPivot2 - referance , pEndBase2, iMidPivot2 - referance , pMidPivot2, xloc.bar_index, extend.both, i_tzColor , line.style_solid, 1)
f_drawLineTZ(iMidPivot2 , pEndBase2, iMidPivot2 , pMidPivot2, xloc.bar_index, extend.both, color.gray, line.style_solid, 1)
f_drawLineTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance , pEndBase2, iMidPivot2 + referance , pMidPivot2, xloc.bar_index, extend.both, color.gray, line.style_solid, 1)
f_drawLineTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 2 , pEndBase2, iMidPivot2 + referance * 2 , pMidPivot2, xloc.bar_index, extend.both, i_tzColor , line.style_solid, 1)
f_drawLineTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 3 , pEndBase2, iMidPivot2 + referance * 3 , pMidPivot2, xloc.bar_index, extend.both, i_tzColor , line.style_solid, 1)
f_drawLineTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 5 , pEndBase2, iMidPivot2 + referance * 5 , pMidPivot2, xloc.bar_index, extend.both, i_tzColor , line.style_solid, 1)
f_drawLineTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 8 , pEndBase2, iMidPivot2 + referance * 8 , pMidPivot2, xloc.bar_index, extend.both, i_tzColor , line.style_solid, 1)
f_drawLineTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 13 , pEndBase2, iMidPivot2 + referance * 13, pMidPivot2, xloc.bar_index, extend.both, i_tzColor , line.style_solid, 1)
f_drawLineTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 21 , pEndBase2, iMidPivot2 + referance * 21, pMidPivot2, xloc.bar_index, extend.both, i_tzColor , line.style_solid, 1)
f_drawLineTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 34 , pEndBase2, iMidPivot2 + referance * 34, pMidPivot2, xloc.bar_index, extend.both, i_tzColor , line.style_solid, 1)
f_drawLineTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 55 , pEndBase2, iMidPivot2 + referance * 55, pMidPivot2, xloc.bar_index, extend.both, i_tzColor , line.style_solid, 1)
f_drawLineTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 89 , pEndBase2, iMidPivot2 + referance * 89, pMidPivot2, xloc.bar_index, extend.both, i_tzColor , line.style_solid, 1)

if i_fib_tzl
f_drawLabelTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * -1, i_fib_tzlp2 == 'Bottom' ? math.min(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2) : math.max(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2), '-1', xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, fib_tzlp, i_tzColor , size.normal, text.align_center, '')
f_drawLabelTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 0 , i_fib_tzlp2 == 'Bottom' ? math.min(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2) : math.max(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2), '0' , xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, fib_tzlp, color.gray, size.normal, text.align_center, '')
f_drawLabelTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 1 , i_fib_tzlp2 == 'Bottom' ? math.min(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2) : math.max(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2), '1' , xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, fib_tzlp, color.gray, size.normal, text.align_center, '')
f_drawLabelTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 2 , i_fib_tzlp2 == 'Bottom' ? math.min(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2) : math.max(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2), '2' , xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, fib_tzlp, i_tzColor , size.normal, text.align_center, '')
f_drawLabelTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 3 , i_fib_tzlp2 == 'Bottom' ? math.min(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2) : math.max(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2), '3' , xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, fib_tzlp, i_tzColor , size.normal, text.align_center, '')
f_drawLabelTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 5 , i_fib_tzlp2 == 'Bottom' ? math.min(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2) : math.max(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2), '5' , xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, fib_tzlp, i_tzColor , size.normal, text.align_center, '')
f_drawLabelTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 8 , i_fib_tzlp2 == 'Bottom' ? math.min(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2) : math.max(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2), '8' , xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, fib_tzlp, i_tzColor , size.normal, text.align_center, '')
f_drawLabelTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 13, i_fib_tzlp2 == 'Bottom' ? math.min(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2) : math.max(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2), '13', xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, fib_tzlp, i_tzColor , size.normal, text.align_center, '')
f_drawLabelTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 21, i_fib_tzlp2 == 'Bottom' ? math.min(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2) : math.max(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2), '21', xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, fib_tzlp, i_tzColor , size.normal, text.align_center, '')
f_drawLabelTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 34, i_fib_tzlp2 == 'Bottom' ? math.min(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2) : math.max(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2), '34', xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, fib_tzlp, i_tzColor , size.normal, text.align_center, '')
f_drawLabelTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 55, i_fib_tzlp2 == 'Bottom' ? math.min(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2) : math.max(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2), '55', xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, fib_tzlp, i_tzColor , size.normal, text.align_center, '')
f_drawLabelTZ(iMidPivot2 + referance * 89, i_fib_tzlp2 == 'Bottom' ? math.min(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2) : math.max(pEndBase2, pMidPivot2), '89', xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, fib_tzlp, i_tzColor , size.normal, text.align_center, '')

f_processLevelX(_show, _level, _color) =>
if i_isFib
pPivotDiff = math.abs(pMidPivot - pEndBase)
price = 0.

if i_fibTool == 'Extentions' or i_fibTool == 'Extentions + Pivot Points'
f_drawLineX(iStartBase, pStartBase, iMidPivot, pMidPivot, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, color.gray, line.style_dashed, 1)
f_drawLineX(iMidPivot , pMidPivot , iEndBase , pEndBase , xloc.bar_index, extend.none, color.gray, line.style_dashed, 1)

offset = math.abs(pMidPivot - pStartBase)
price := pEndBase < pMidPivot ? pMidPivot - pPivotDiff + (i_reverse ? -1 : 1) * offset * _level : pMidPivot + pPivotDiff - (i_reverse ? -1 : 1) * offset * _level

if _show
f_drawLineX(iMidPivot, price, bar_index, price, xloc.bar_index, i_extendER ? extend.both : extend.right, _color, line.style_solid, 1)

if i_levels != 'None'
bar = i_levelsP == "Last Bar" ? bar_index : iMidPivot
style = i_levelsP == "Last Bar" ? label.style_label_left : label.style_label_right
size = i_levelsS == 'Small' ? size.small : size.normal
f_drawLabelX(bar, price, (i_levels == 'Prices' ? '' : 'EXT ' + str.tostring(_level)) + (i_levels == 'Levels + Prices' or i_levels == 'Prices' ? ' (' + str.tostring(price, format.mintick) + ')' : ''), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, style, _color, size, text.align_left, str.tostring(price, format.mintick))

if f_crossingLevel(close, price)
alert('AutoFib Extention : ' + syminfo.ticker + ' crossing level ' + str.tostring(_level))

if i_fibTool == 'Retracements' or i_fibTool == 'Retracements + Pivot Points'
f_drawLineX(iMidPivot, pMidPivot, iEndBase, pEndBase, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, color.gray, line.style_dashed, 1)

price := pEndBase < pMidPivot ? (i_reverse ? pEndBase : pMidPivot) - (i_reverse ? -1 : 1) * pPivotDiff * _level : (i_reverse ? pEndBase : pMidPivot) + (i_reverse ? -1 : 1) * pPivotDiff * _level

if _show
f_drawLineX(iMidPivot, price, bar_index, price, xloc.bar_index, i_extendER ? extend.both : extend.right, _color, line.style_solid, 1)

if i_levels != 'None'
bar = i_levelsP == "Last Bar" ? bar_index : iMidPivot
style = i_levelsP == "Last Bar" ? label.style_label_left : label.style_label_right
size = i_levelsS == 'Small' ? size.small : size.normal
f_drawLabelX(bar, price, (i_levels == 'Prices' ? '' : 'RET ' + str.tostring(_level)) + (i_levels == 'Levels + Prices' or i_levels == 'Prices' ? ' (' + str.tostring(price, format.mintick) + ')' : ''), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #00000000, style, _color, size, text.align_left, str.tostring(price, format.mintick))

if f_crossingLevel(close, price)
alert('AutoFib Retracment : ' + syminfo.ticker + ' crossing level ' + str.tostring(_level))

if i_fibTool == 'Pivot Points' or i_fibTool == 'Extentions + Pivot Points' or i_fibTool == 'Retracements + Pivot Points'
pivot = math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1)
range_2 = htf_h1 - htf_l1

if not i_histPP
f_drawLinePVT(time_x10, pivot, time_x21, pivot, xloc.bar_time, extend.none, color.gray, line.style_dashed, 1)

if _show and _level >= 0
pvtPoints = _level == 0 or _level == 0.382 or _level == 0.618 or _level == 1

f_drawLinePVT(time_x11, pivot - range_2 * _level, time_x21, pivot - range_2 * _level, xloc.bar_time, extend.none, i_relevant ? close < pivot ? _color : na : _color, pvtPoints ? line.style_solid : line.style_dashed, pvtPoints ? 2 : 1)
f_drawLinePVT(time_x11, pivot + range_2 * _level, time_x21, pivot + range_2 * _level, xloc.bar_time, extend.none, i_relevant ? close > pivot ? _color : na : _color, pvtPoints ? line.style_solid : line.style_dashed, pvtPoints ? 2 : 1)

if i_extend
style = i_extendL == 'Solid' ? line.style_solid : i_extendL == 'Dotted' ? line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed
f_drawLinePVT(time_x11, pivot - range_2 * _level, time_x21, pivot - range_2 * _level, xloc.bar_time, extend.both, i_relevant ? close < pivot ? _color : na : _color, style, 1)
f_drawLinePVT(time_x11, pivot + range_2 * _level, time_x21, pivot + range_2 * _level, xloc.bar_time, extend.both, i_relevant ? close > pivot ? _color : na : _color, style, 1)

if i_levelsPvt != 'None'
time_xx = i_levelsPvtP == "Last Bar" ? timenow : time_x21
size = i_levelsPvtS == 'Small' ? size.small : size.normal
if pvtPoints
if _level == 0
f_drawLabelPVT(time_xx, pivot, (i_levelsPvt == 'Prices' ? '' : 'PP') + (i_levelsPvt == 'Levels + Prices' or i_levelsPvt == 'Prices' ? ' (' + str.tostring(pivot, format.mintick) + ')' : ''), xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, #00000000, label.style_label_left, _color, size, text.align_left, str.tostring(pivot, format.mintick))
f_drawLabelPVT(time_xx, pivot - range_2 * _level, (i_levelsPvt == 'Prices' ? '' : (_level == 0.382 ? 'S1 PP ' : _level == 0.618 ? 'S2 PP ' : 'S3 PP ') + str.tostring(_level)) + (i_levelsPvt == 'Levels + Prices' or i_levelsPvt == 'Prices' ? ' (' + str.tostring(pivot - range_2 * _level, format.mintick) + ')' : ''), xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, #00000000, label.style_label_left, i_relevant ? close < pivot ? _color : na : _color, size, text.align_left, str.tostring(pivot - range_2 * _level, format.mintick))
f_drawLabelPVT(time_xx, pivot + range_2 * _level, (i_levelsPvt == 'Prices' ? '' : (_level == 0.382 ? 'R1 PP ' : _level == 0.618 ? 'R2 PP ' : 'R3 PP ') + str.tostring(_level)) + (i_levelsPvt == 'Levels + Prices' or i_levelsPvt == 'Prices' ? ' (' + str.tostring(pivot + range_2 * _level, format.mintick) + ')' : ''), xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, #00000000, label.style_label_left, i_relevant ? close > pivot ? _color : na : _color, size, text.align_left, str.tostring(pivot + range_2 * _level, format.mintick))
f_drawLabelPVT(time_xx, pivot - range_2 * _level, (i_levelsPvt == 'Prices' ? '' : '   PP ' + str.tostring(_level)) + (i_levelsPvt == 'Levels + Prices' or i_levelsPvt == 'Prices' ? ' (' + str.tostring(pivot - range_2 * _level, format.mintick) + ')' : ''), xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, #00000000, label.style_label_left, i_relevant ? close < pivot ? _color : na : _color, size, text.align_left, str.tostring(pivot - range_2 * _level, format.mintick))
f_drawLabelPVT(time_xx, pivot + range_2 * _level, (i_levelsPvt == 'Prices' ? '' : '   PP ' + str.tostring(_level)) + (i_levelsPvt == 'Levels + Prices' or i_levelsPvt == 'Prices' ? ' (' + str.tostring(pivot + range_2 * _level, format.mintick) + ')' : ''), xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, #00000000, label.style_label_left, i_relevant ? close > pivot ? _color : na : _color, size, text.align_left, str.tostring(pivot + range_2 * _level, format.mintick))

if f_crossingLevel(close, pivot - range_2 * _level)
alert('AutoFib PivotPoints : ' + syminfo.ticker + ' crossing support level ' + str.tostring(_level))

if f_crossingLevel(close, pivot + range_2 * _level)
alert('AutoFib PivotPoints : ' + syminfo.ticker + ' crossing resistance level ' + str.tostring(_level))

group_fib_levels = 'Fibonacci Levels'

show_0 = input.bool(true, '', inline='Level0', group=group_fib_levels)
value_0 = input.float(0., '', inline='Level0', group=group_fib_levels)
color_0 = input.color(#787b86, '', inline='Level0', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_0, value_0, color_0)

show_0_236 = input.bool(true, '', inline='Level0', group=group_fib_levels)
value_0_236 = input.float(0.236, '', inline='Level0', group=group_fib_levels)
color_0_236 = input.color(#f44336, '', inline='Level0', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_0_236, value_0_236, color_0_236)

show_0_382 = input.bool(true, '', inline='Level1', group=group_fib_levels)
value_0_382 = input.float(0.382, '', inline='Level1', group=group_fib_levels)
color_0_382 = input.color(#81c784, '', inline='Level1', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_0_382, value_0_382, color_0_382)

show_0_5 = input.bool(true, '', inline='Level1', group=group_fib_levels)
value_0_5 = input.float(0.5, '', inline='Level1', group=group_fib_levels)
color_0_5 = input.color(#4caf50, '', inline='Level1', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_0_5, value_0_5, color_0_5)

show_0_618 = input.bool(true, '', inline='Level2', group=group_fib_levels)
value_0_618 = input.float(0.618, '', inline='Level2', group=group_fib_levels)
color_0_618 = input.color(#009688, '', inline='Level2', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_0_618, value_0_618, color_0_618)

show_0_65 = input.bool(false, '', inline='Level2', group=group_fib_levels)
value_0_65 = input.float(0.65, '', inline='Level2', group=group_fib_levels)
color_0_65 = input.color(#009688, '', inline='Level2', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_0_65, value_0_65, color_0_65)

show_0_786 = input.bool(true, '', inline='Level3', group=group_fib_levels)
value_0_786 = input.float(0.786, '', inline='Level3', group=group_fib_levels)
color_0_786 = input.color(#64b5f6, '', inline='Level3', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_0_786, value_0_786, color_0_786)

show_1 = input.bool(true, '', inline='Level3', group=group_fib_levels)
value_1 = input.float(1., '', inline='Level3', group=group_fib_levels)
color_1 = input.color(#787b86, '', inline='Level3', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_1, value_1, color_1)

show_1_272 = input.bool(false, '', inline='Level4', group=group_fib_levels)
value_1_272 = input.float(1.272, '', inline='Level4', group=group_fib_levels)
color_1_272 = input.color(#81c784, '', inline='Level4', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_1_272, value_1_272, color_1_272)

show_1_414 = input.bool(false, '', inline='Level4', group=group_fib_levels)
value_1_414 = input.float(1.414, '', inline='Level4', group=group_fib_levels)
color_1_414 = input.color(#f44336, '', inline='Level4', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_1_414, value_1_414, color_1_414)

show_1_618 = input.bool(true, '', inline='Level5', group=group_fib_levels)
value_1_618 = input.float(1.618, '', inline='Level5', group=group_fib_levels)
color_1_618 = input.color(#2196f3, '', inline='Level5', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_1_618, value_1_618, color_1_618)

show_1_65 = input.bool(false, '', inline='Level5', group=group_fib_levels)
value_1_65 = input.float(1.65, '', inline='Level5', group=group_fib_levels)
color_1_65 = input.color(#2196f3, '', inline='Level5', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_1_65, value_1_65, color_1_65)

show_2_618 = input.bool(false, '', inline='Level6', group=group_fib_levels)
value_2_618 = input.float(2.618, '', inline='Level6', group=group_fib_levels)
color_2_618 = input.color(#f44336, '', inline='Level6', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_2_618, value_2_618, color_2_618)

show_2_65 = input.bool(false, '', inline='Level6', group=group_fib_levels)
value_2_65 = input.float(2.65, '', inline='Level6', group=group_fib_levels)
color_2_65 = input.color(#f44336, '', inline='Level6', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_2_65, value_2_65, color_2_65)

show_3_618 = input.bool(false, '', inline='Level7', group=group_fib_levels)
value_3_618 = input.float(3.618, '', inline='Level7', group=group_fib_levels)
color_3_618 = input.color(#9c27b0, '', inline='Level7', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_3_618, value_3_618, color_3_618)

show_3_65 = input.bool(false, '', inline='Level7', group=group_fib_levels)
value_3_65 = input.float(3.65, '', inline='Level7', group=group_fib_levels)
color_3_65 = input.color(#9c27b0, '', inline='Level7', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_3_65, value_3_65, color_3_65)

show_4_236 = input.bool(false, '', inline='Level8', group=group_fib_levels)
value_4_236 = input.float(4.236, '', inline='Level8', group=group_fib_levels)
color_4_236 = input.color(#e91e63, '', inline='Level8', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_4_236, value_4_236, color_4_236)

show_4_618 = input.bool(false, '', inline='Level8', group=group_fib_levels)
value_4_618 = input.float(4.618, '', inline='Level8', group=group_fib_levels)
color_4_618 = input.color(#81c784, '', inline='Level8', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_4_618, value_4_618, color_4_618)

show_neg_0_236 = input.bool(false, '', inline='Level9', group=group_fib_levels)
value_neg_0_236 = input.float(-0.236, '', inline='Level9', group=group_fib_levels)
color_neg_0_236 = input.color(#f44336, '', inline='Level9', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_neg_0_236, value_neg_0_236, color_neg_0_236)

show_neg_0_382 = input.bool(false, '', inline='Level9', group=group_fib_levels)
value_neg_0_382 = input.float(-0.382, '', inline='Level9', group=group_fib_levels)
color_neg_0_382 = input.color(#81c784, '', inline='Level9', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_neg_0_382, value_neg_0_382, color_neg_0_382)

show_neg_0_618 = input.bool(true, '', inline='Level10', group=group_fib_levels)
value_neg_0_618 = input.float(-0.618, '', inline='Level10', group=group_fib_levels)
color_neg_0_618 = input.color(#009688, '', inline='Level10', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_neg_0_618, value_neg_0_618, color_neg_0_618)

show_neg_0_65 = input.bool(false, '', inline='Level10', group=group_fib_levels)
value_neg_0_65 = input.float(-0.65, '', inline='Level10', group=group_fib_levels)
color_neg_0_65 = input.color(#009688, '', inline='Level10', group=group_fib_levels)
f_processLevelX(show_neg_0_65, value_neg_0_65, color_neg_0_65)

i_histPP := i_histPP and (i_fibTool == 'Pivot Points' or i_fibTool == 'Extentions + Pivot Points' or i_fibTool == 'Retracements + Pivot Points')

plot(i_histPP and show_0 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) : na, 'PP' , ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_0)
plot(i_histPP and show_0_236 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) - (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_0_236 : na, 'PP 0_236', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_0_236, 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_0_236 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) + (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_0_236 : na, 'PP 0_236', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_0_236, 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_0_382 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) - (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_0_382 : na, 'PP 0_382', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_0_382)
plot(i_histPP and show_0_382 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) + (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_0_382 : na, 'PP 0_382', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_0_382)
plot(i_histPP and show_0_5 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) - (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_0_5 : na, 'PP 0_5 ', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_0_5 , 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_0_5 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) + (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_0_5 : na, 'PP 0_5 ', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_0_5 , 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_0_618 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) - (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_0_618 : na, 'PP 0_618', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_0_618)
plot(i_histPP and show_0_618 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) + (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_0_618 : na, 'PP 0_618', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_0_618)
plot(i_histPP and show_0_65 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) - (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_0_65 : na, 'PP 0_65 ', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_0_65 , 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_0_65 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) + (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_0_65 : na, 'PP 0_65 ', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_0_65 , 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_0_786 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) - (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_0_786 : na, 'PP 0_786', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_0_786, 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_0_786 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) + (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_0_786 : na, 'PP 0_786', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_0_786, 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_1 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) - (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_1 : na, 'PP 1 ', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_1)
plot(i_histPP and show_1 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) + (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_1 : na, 'PP 1 ', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_1)
plot(i_histPP and show_1_272 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) - (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_1_272 : na, 'PP 1_272', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_1_272, 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_1_272 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) + (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_1_272 : na, 'PP 1_272', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_1_272, 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_1_414 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) - (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_1_414 : na, 'PP 1_414', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_1_414, 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_1_414 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) + (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_1_414 : na, 'PP 1_414', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_1_414, 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_1_618 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) - (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_1_618 : na, 'PP 1_618', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_1_618, 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_1_618 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) + (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_1_618 : na, 'PP 1_618', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_1_618, 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_1_65 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) - (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_1_65 : na, 'PP 1_65 ', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_1_65 , 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_1_65 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) + (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_1_65 : na, 'PP 1_65 ', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_1_65 , 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_2_618 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) - (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_2_618 : na, 'PP 2_618', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_2_618, 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_2_618 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) + (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_2_618 : na, 'PP 2_618', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_2_618, 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_2_65 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) - (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_2_65 : na, 'PP 2_65 ', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_2_65 , 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_2_65 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) + (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_2_65 : na, 'PP 2_65 ', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_2_65 , 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_3_618 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) - (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_3_618 : na, 'PP 3_618', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_3_618, 1, plot.style_cross)
plot(i_histPP and show_3_618 ? math.avg(htf_h1, htf_l1, htf_c1) + (htf_h1 - htf_l1) * value_3_618 : na, 'PP 3_618', ta.change(time(htf)) ? na : color_3_618, 1, plot.style_cross)

// Fibonacci Retracement / Extention / Pivot Points and Zig Zag
// ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ //

// ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ //
// Volume / Volatility AddOns
// ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ //

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// -Inputs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

group_vol_vol = 'Volume / Volatility AddOns'
tooltip_volume_spike_sign_of_exhaustion = 'Moments where\n' + 'huge volume detected : current volume is grater than the product of the theshold value and volume moving average'

tooltip_high_volatility = 'Moments where\n' + 'price range of the current bar is grater than the product of the theshold value and average true range value of defined period'

tooltip_volume_weighted_colored_bars = 'Volume Weighted Colored Bars\nColors bars based on the bar\'s volume relative to volume moving average'

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// High Volatility ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //

i_hATRLb = input.bool(true, '⚡', inline='ATR', group=group_vol_vol, tooltip=tooltip_high_volatility)
i_weightedATR = ta.atr(, 'ATR : Length', inline='ATR', group=group_vol_vol)) * input.float(2.718, 'Mult', minval=.1, step=.1, inline='ATR', group=group_vol_vol)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Volume Moving Average : Base ----------------------------------------------------------------- //

i_vSMA = ta.sma(nz(volume),, 'Volume Moving Average Length', group=group_vol_vol))

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Volume Spike - Sign of Exhaustion ------------------------------------------------------------ //

i_vSpikeLb = input.bool(true, '🚦', inline='SRS1', group=group_vol_vol, tooltip=tooltip_volume_spike_sign_of_exhaustion)
i_vSpikeThresh = input.float(4.669, 'Volume Spike Theshold           ', minval=.1, step=.1, inline='SRS1', group=group_vol_vol)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Volume Weighted Colored Bars ----------------------------------------------------------------- //

i_vwcb = input.bool(true, '', inline='VWC', group=group_vol_vol, tooltip=tooltip_volume_weighted_colored_bars)
i_vwcbHighThresh = input.float(1.618, 'VWCB :   High ', minval=1., step=.1, inline='VWC', group=group_vol_vol)
i_vwcbLowThresh = input.float(0.618, ' Low', minval=.1, step=.1, inline='VWC', group=group_vol_vol)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// -Calculations and Plotting ------------------------------------------------------------------- //

nzVolume = nz(volume)
bullCandle = close > open
bearCandle = close < open
range_1 = math.abs(high - low)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Volume Spike - Sign of Exhaustion ------------------------------------------------------------ //

exhaustVol = nzVolume > i_vSpikeThresh * i_vSMA
plotchar(i_vSpikeLb and nzVolume ? exhaustVol : na, 'Exhaustion Bar', '🚦', location.abovebar, size=size.tiny)
alertcondition(ta.crossover(nzVolume, i_vSMA * i_vSpikeThresh), 'Volume Spikes', 'sign of exhaustion, huge volume increase detected\n{{exchange}}:{{ticker}}->\nOpen = {{open}}, Current = {{close}},\nTime = {{time}}')

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// High Volatility ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //

highVolatility = range_1 > i_weightedATR
plotchar(i_hATRLb ? highVolatility : na, 'High Volatile Bar', '⚡', location.belowbar, size=size.tiny)
alertcondition(ta.crossover(range_1, i_weightedATR), 'High Volatility', 'high volatility detected\n{{exchange}}:{{ticker}}->\nOpen = {{open}}, Current = {{close}},\nTime = {{time}}')

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Volume Weighted Colored Bars by Kıvanç Özbilgiç ---------------------------------------------- //

vwcbCol = nzVolume > i_vSMA * i_vwcbHighThresh ? bullCandle ? #006400 : #910000 : nzVolume < i_vSMA * i_vwcbLowThresh ? bearCandle ? #FF9800 : #7FFFD4 : na

barcolor(i_vwcb and nzVolume ? vwcbCol : na, title='Volume Weighted Colored Bars')

// Voloume / Volatility AddOns
// ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ //

var table logo =, 1, 1)
table.cell(logo, 0, 0, '☼☾ ', text_size=size.normal, text_color=color.teal)

Open-source script

In true TradingView spirit, the author of this script has published it open-source, so traders can understand and verify it. Cheers to the author! You may use it for free, but reuse of this code in publication is governed by House rules. You can favorite it to use it on a chart.

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