Report Summary: Table Fix & New Features
Table modifications are being introduced.
The Historical PNL (USD) represents the total accumulated profit from closed positions. It sums up only the profit or loss from completed trades and does not include the results of open positions.
The Historical PNL % is always calculated relative to the highest invested amount, as this serves as the most relevant reference point for evaluating strategy performance. It is not based on the current invested amount but on the highest amount ever invested.
It is important to note that these figures do not include commissions (transaction fees), which is why they may differ from the values shown in TradingView. Additionally, TradingView calculates PNL after the candle closes, whereas the custom table always determines the profit at the exact moment a position is closed, based on the predefined profit level. This makes the custom table more accurate, and this should be considered when analyzing the data.
Report Summary: Table Fix & New Features
A javรญtรกs sorรกn tรกblรกzatbeli mรณdosรญtรกsok kerรผlnek bevezetรฉsre.
A Historical PNL (USD) az eddig bezรกrt pozรญciรณk utรกn felhalmozott teljes profitot mutatja. Kizรกrรณlag a lezรกrt รผgyletek nyeresรฉgรฉt vagy vesztesรฉgรฉt รถsszegzi, รฉs nem tartalmazza a nyitott pozรญciรณk eredmรฉnyรฉt.
A Historical PNL % mindig a legnagyobb befektetett รถsszeghez viszonyรญtva szรกmรญtja ki a teljes profit arรกnyรกt, mivel ez a legrelevรกnsabb referenciaรฉrtรฉk a stratรฉgia teljesรญtmรฉnyรฉnek รฉrtรฉkelรฉsekor. Nem az aktuรกlis befektetett รถsszeghez viszonyรญt, hanem a valaha volt legnagyobbhoz.
Fontos megjegyezni, hogy ezek az adatok nem tartalmazzรกk a commission-t (kezelรฉsi kรถltsรฉgeket), ezรฉrt eltรฉrhetnek a TradingView รกltal mutatott รฉrtรฉkektลl. Emellett a TradingView a PNL-t a gyertya zรกrรกsa utรกn szรกmolja, mรญg a sajรกt tรกblรกzat mindig az elลre beรกllรญtott profit szintbลl, pontosan a pozรญciรณ zรกrรกsรกnak pillanatรกban szรกmรญtja ki a profitot. Ezรฉrt a sajรกt tรกblรกzat pontosabb, รฉs ezt mindenkรฉppen รฉrdemes figyelembe venni az adatok elemzรฉsekor.