The System makes use of the Bolinger Bands strategy from TradingView and implements simple Money Management Rules like SL and TP.
You can adjust the following Parameters:
Leverage: Leverage.
Risk Capital per Trade: The amount you are willing to lose per Trade, keep in mind that changes in Leverage should follow changes in Risk Capital.
TP_Factor: Default is 2:1 Risk:Reward, you might want to adjust this according to the underlying market.
InvertBuyLogic: Inverts the Logic of the System, important for checking if you have a true performance advantage from using the System. I look for a flat looking Curve in the wrong mode.
LookbackDistance: The distance your standart Deviation is refering to. A Lookback Distance too big might result in very few signals.
DevMult: We only want outliers, so we multiply our standart Deviation Bands by a Factor.