SB Wave Rider (Public)

Let me introduce you to my latest indicator, the SB Wave Rider.

I want to briefly describe why this is called the wave rider. Imagine a wave. The top of the wave (crest) can be viewed as the highest point of the wave. The bottom of the wave is considered the trough. The wave height can be measured as the distance from the top of the crest to the bottom of the trough. We ride the wave from the top, all the way down, then all the way back up to the top, where we secure our profit and deleverage our positions. Then we paddle back out and start the process all over again.

Now that you have the analogy to work with, I want to tell you how/why this works.
It sounds completely wrong to be trying to buy the top, but I will try to convince you here why you should be buying tops.

Have you ever bought a stock thinking you were buying the bottom? Have you been disappointed that it wasn't the bottom and it dipped even further? Did you buy in with too much leverage because you were so convinced it couldn't possibly go lower.

What if you flipped that on its head and you were convinced, absolutely convinced you were buying the top, the very top. Like the 52 week high and you were sure it was going to crash lower the next day. All indicators said the stock was overbought, it had an 14 period RSI of 80, MACD was turning bearish, you were 2 standard deviations above the upper Bollinger Band. Its trading way above its vwap. Now lets say someone had a gun to your head. They told you that you had to make a purchase, but they left the amount you had to purchase up to you. How much would you buy just to meet this lunatics demands? Well I would probably say I would buy a single share.

When you purchase a stock, there is no way to tell at the moment of purchase if you are buying a top, a bottom, or somewhere in between. If it were that easy we would all be rich. The biggest part of the equation that most people forget is not when you enter or exit a position, its how you manage it. A skilled wave rider will be able to drop into a massive wave, ride it to the bottom, get pitted in the barrel, get spit out, do a massive bottom turn and ride it back to the top exiting the wave with a perfect 10.


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