Fetch cycles

This script tracks cycles in the market, specifically aiming to identify the cycle low and visually represent the cycle on the chart. It begins by initializing a cycle that spans 55 days (configurable) and incorporates a deviation margin for approximation.

The script increments the day count from a defined start date (December 15, 2018) and looks for potential cycle lows after a specified number of days (50). Once a low is detected, using a comparison of the current price against the low from 4 days prior (configurable), the day count resets, and the script begins a new cycle.

The cycle low is visually marked with a triangle below the bar where the low is confirmed. Dots are plotted on the chart to indicate the days leading up to the cycle low, with one set of dots appearing 5 days before the low and another set plotted closer to the cycle end.

Additionally, the script tracks the days since the last cycle ended, and the start of the first cycle is marked with a blue triangle. This provides a clear visual indicator of the current cycle's progression and approximations of when the next low may occur.
Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)cycleanalysisCycles

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This script is published closed-source and you may privately use it freely.

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