RSI divergence signal BULL/BEAR - CZ INDICATORSRSI divergence signal BULL/BEAR - CZ INDICATORS: It automatically shows divergence, being much useful for detecting future changes in the tendency of the current stock, and weakness in the actual tendency.
Different timeframes can be set up to meet your needs.
RSI divergence signal BULL/BEAR - CZ INDICATORS: Автоматически показывает дивергенции, что очень полезно для обнаружения будущих изменений в тенденции текущей акции, а также слабости в фактической тенденции.
Различные таймфреймы могут быть настроены в соответствии с вашими потребностями.
Relative Strength Index 2x maThe relative strength index, represented as two moving averages with periods, one of which will be a multiple of the longer moving average by the amount you set.
The indicator can work both in automatic and manual mode. In automatic mode, the optimal periods are selected, in my opinion, depending on which timeframe is being analyzed at the current moment. In manual mode, you can set the required period yourself.
You can also set the method of smoothing the moving averages yourself and apply them to the opening or closing, the minimum of the bar, etc.
An important point: it is possible to enable/disable graphical functions that may not be required - just check the box next to the function that you want to see on your indicator.
Show ConDiv? - enabling / disabling the convergence/divergence function of the moving averages of the RSI indicator (not to be confused with the MACD for the asset price chart)
Show ma? - enabling/disabling the graphical display of the moving averages of the RSI indicator
Show RSI? - enabling / disabling the standard RSI indicator (if you want to see only it, check the box opposite; in this case, you need to remove the other two checkboxes)
I wish you good luck in building your trading plans, and remember: such indicators do not predict the future price movement on the chart, they only determine the characteristics of the price movement at the current time, taking into account historical data.