Moving Average with Dynamic Color Gradient (WaveTrend Momentum)Similar scripts exist but I haven't seen one using WaveTrend and I haven't seen one that hand picks evenly divided colors between GREEN-YELLOW-RED.
The green is exact green, the yellow is exact yellow, and the red is exact red.
Not complicated, just useful.
Centered Oscillators
ADX Screener// Identify potential trend reversals using ADX on up to 40 crypto assets.
// ADX shows the strength of a trend, not the direction.
// By monitoring the difference of ADX values between candles, you can potentially identify reversals before they happen.
// A strong trend has a 14 period ADX slope increasing .5 or more from the prior candle.
// At a minimum, a weak trend has a 14 period ADX slope of +.25 or less, and strictly it would be decreasing.
// This indicator prints one row for each asset with three columns for ADX differences one candle back each.
// The asset name is colored green or red dependent on whether +DI > -DI or not.
The market was in a down trend (-DI > +DI).
A bullish wave moved price up to EMA 8 resistance with strong ADX momentum (ADX diff of prior candle >= 0.5).
A Spinning Top showed that the trend was losing momentum (ADX diff lower than previous candle, showed the bullish wave losing momentum).
A Morning Star bearish reversal pattern draws resistance at the high of the pattern. (ADX Bullish momentum exhausted).
Symbol: -DI > +DI
2: Strong momentum
1: Losing momentum (spinning top)
0: Trend reversal (bearish engulfing pattern)
Green to Red Gradient for Dynamic / Color Changing IndicatorsI have evenly divided every color between green and red.
This gradient is useful for pine coders who are creating color changing, dynamic, or gradient indicators.
Multi Oscillators Price LevelsThis script draws price levels corresponding to the highest price reached in overbought situations, and the lowest price reached in oversold situations, depending on the oscillator and the timeframe the user has configured.
These levels correspond, most of time, to good supports and resistances prices.
Price levels drawings can be based on the following indicators:
Stochastic RSI (default)
Stochastic CCI
You can customize this indicator with the following options:
Source: The candle source to use in indicators calculation
Source Indicator: The indicator on which you cant to base your levels
Timeframe: The timeframe on which you want to apply the selected indicator, and calculate levels
Show supports/resistances: enable/disable price levels, depending on there status (overbought - resistances) / (oversold - supports)
Lines width: width of price levels. (set to 10 by default in order to draw "zones")
Supports/Resistances source: Select the candle data you cant to use to draw supports and resistances levels
Extend levels: Select the line extension for price levels
Levels color: Select the desired color for price levels
And of course , all parameters corresponding to the supported indicators (Stoch, RSI, CCI)
Here are a few examples of different configurations:
This script will probably be modified in the future, don't hesitate to suggest any improvement.
40 crypto screener [LUPOWN]// ENGLISH
This indicator shows two tables, with 10 assets each, they can be currencies, stocks or cryptos, the columns can be changed to the information you want to see, among the options are price or change (change in percentage of the candle in the temporality where you are seeing it), TL are buy or sell signals according to the Latin trading strategy (Squeeze momentum combined with ADX) buy if the momentum changes to range or rise and the ADX has a negative slope, sell if the momentum changes to range or fall and The ADX has a negative slope, the signals are not 100% effective, you must support it with price action and market speculation, directionality in the momentum, slope of the ADX, if there is divergence in the momoentum squeeze, lux something and cipher use an indicator of Lazy bear, lux something signals when two wave trends cross and the cipher signals when the wave trend crosses above or below the 0 point.
You can choose between seeing one or two tables, this so that it can be seen on small screens, there is also the option to hide the tables and show the label, which is also an alternative to see it on small screens
i got the main idea from @QuantNomad
Este indicador muestra dos tablas, con 10 activos cada una, pueden ser divisas, acciones o cryptos, las columnas se pueden cambiar a la información que quieras ver, entre las opciones están precio o cambio (cambio en porcentaje de la vela en la temporalidad donde lo estes viendo), TL son señales de compra o venta según estrategia de trading latino (Squeeze momentum combinado con ADX) compra si el momentum cambia a rango o subida y el ADX tiene pendiente negativa, venta si el momentum cambia a rango o caída y el ADX tiene pendiente negativa, las señales no son 100% efectivas debes apoyarla con la acción del precio y especulación del mercado, direccionalidad en el momentum, pendiente del ADX, si hay divergencia en el squeeze momoentum, lux algo y cipher utilizan un indicador de Lazy bear, lux algo da señal cuando dos wave trend se cruzan y el cipher da señal cuando el wave trend cruza por encima o debajo del punto 0.
Puedes elegir entre ver una o dos tablas, esto para que se pueda ver en pantallas pequeñas, también esta la opción de ocultar las tablas y mostrar el label, que también es una alternativa para verlo en pantallas pequeñas
La idea principal la tome de @QuantNomad
5min MACD scalp by JoelThis strategy is inspired by a youtuber called Joel on Crypto. He trades this using Ema, MACD indicators and his own experience. For more information, check out his Best Crypto Scalping Strategy for the 5 Min Time Frame video. I have tried to automate this a little.
Long or Short trades are determined with a crossing of the fast Ema over the slow Ema for Long and the opposite for Short. Trades should only happen close to the crossovers. Then for Long we use the MACD indicator with a 1min TF (I had better results using the 5min) where we look for high peaks in negative values for Long and vice versa for Shorts. These should be significantly higher than other peaks (or if you will lower peaks for a Long).
Hence, the key is to detect high peaks on the histogram, which I try to achieve by checking if the last 2 values were higher than X bars back. If you want to make it even more specific, then you can turn on the additional checkbox which compares the current value to the average value of X bars back, and if it is greater than, say, 50% the value of the average (= 1.5x the average), then it's ok for the trade.
I also noticed that the strategy often bought at the top or bottom, so I added a check that compares whether the last evaluated bar is the first rising bar (for Long) or falling bar (for Short). This can be turned on or off.
Target profit 0,5% and stop loss 0,4% are based on his recommendation. The strategy is set to take only 1 trade at a time , and you can have a back tester table on.
I'm still a pine script beginner, so the strategy is certainly not perfect and could be improved. If you have any tips on how to improve it further, please let me know. I will try to update it when I have time.
I would also like to thank Joel on Crypto for sharing the strategy and @ZenAndTheArtOfTrading for his great library and code (thanks to him we have a back tester table in here), but especially his educational videos on youtube, which taught me a lot about pine script.
Inverse Divergence [HeWhoMustNotBeNamed]Experimental.
In regular scenario divergence calculation follows these procedure
Pivots on price are considered as primary source
They are compared with pivots on oscillators
Trend bias of price is used
This is an experimental version where
Pivots on oscillators are considered as primary source
They are compared with pivots on price
Trend bias of oscillator is used. Using percentrank to define oscillator trend
Caution: Not meant for trading :)
MACD Infinity Indicator(MACDI)MACDI is the macd of macd indicators and macd of macd indicators of macd indicatrs and so on...!!
I used macd algo to find slopes of macd of price and it can helpfull when we want to find best signalls it can make amazing shapes that can be usable to everyone!
author: Masoud Azizi
github: mablue
string2float v1.0In the v5 version of PineScript, casting a string to a float - float(x) - does not appear to work, in spite of the reference manual seemingly indicating that it should. The simplest test case that I could generate "float('4750.0')" would result in a "Cannot call 'float' with argument 'x'='4750.0'. An argument of 'literal string' type was used but a 'const float' is expected." Since I was pulling the floats from a string array, I could not find a way to make them into "const floats". So I gave up and wrote a quick and dirty string to float converter function that handles both positive and negative integers and floats and returns the a float. Hopefully it might save someone else an afternoon of insanity.... :-)
Supertrend + RSI Strategy [Alose]This strategy combines the best of both indicators (Supertrend & RSI).
As we know, Supertrend is excellent at finding changes in the market trend and thus finding the best entries, however in my opinion it has a great weakness and it is that it does not know how to find the best exit point.
For this reason I decided to combine it with the RSI that we know usually knows the highest and lowest rebound points of the price, thus managing to find the best exit point for the strategy.
The best thing about combining these 2 indicators is that our trades will obtain better profits in less time.
When SuperTrend changes its direction and it is less than 0.
There are two ways to close the trade:
When RSI is overbought, you can choose the "Overbought Level " inside the strategy settings (Default: 72).
When SuperTrend changes its direction and it is grater than 0.
SHORT ENTRY (You can enable short entries in strategy settings)
When SuperTrend changes its direction and it is grater than 0.
There are two ways to close the trade:
When RSI is oversold, you can choose the "Oversold Level " inside the strategy settings (Default: 28).
When SuperTrend changes its direction and it is less than 0.
Jigga - Relative Strength - SectorsHi All !!
I came across relative strength concept from below indicator.
Indicator Name: (Relative-Strength by modhelius)
Note: Sorry !! Could not add indicator url here.
RelativeStrength = (sectorValue / sectorValue ) / (indexValue / indexValue ) - 1 * 100
I used same concept and combine all sector's relative strength against Nifty50 index.
How to use:
You can change length based on your convenience and show/hide sectors.
Indicator will show strength line for that sector.
you can use this to identify momentum stocks.
Ehlers Stochastic Relative Vigor Index [CC]The Stochastic Relative Vigor Index was created by John Ehlers (Cybernetic Analysis For Stocks And Futures pgs 84-89) and this of course is very similar to the Ehlers Fisher Stochastic Relative Vigor Index I just published. In hindsight I probably should have published this one first but just like with the other script this is a stochastic version of a Relative Vigor Index and I added some smoothing to make buy and sell signals clearer. There are several ways to identify buy and sell signals but generally in the long term it is a buy signal when the indicator is below the oversold line and is moving up and in the short term when the indicator is above it's trigger line which is what I coded the buy and sell signals to follow. Buy when the line is green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if there are any other scripts you would like to see me publish!
Ehlers Fisher Stochastic Relative Vigor Index [CC]The Fisher Stochastic Relative Vigor Index was created by John Ehlers (Cybernetic Analysis For Stocks And Futures pgs 101-104) and this is a many layered indicator created from his original Relative Vigor Index turned into a stochastic and then performing a Fisher transform on the results. I have included extra smoothing to provide clearer buy and sell signals as well as normal and strong buy and sell signals. As always strong signals are darker in color and normal signals are lighter in color. Buy when the line turns green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if there are any other scripts you would like to see me publish!
[blackcat] L1 Wave OscillatorLevel: 1
GET wave theory indicator series contain a indicator called wave oscillator.
This is a modified version of GET wave oscillator with enhanced moving averages which alleviate lag issue to some degree. The feature of it is that it includes overbought and oversold band with dynamic values for indications. Labels and alerts are added.
Key Signal
osc --> wave oscillator output
This is a Level 1 free and open source indicator.
Feedbacks are appreciated.
John F. Ehlers Center Of Gravity Balanced by [DM]Greetings to all colleagues.
I share this indicator turned into a strategy, (this is one of my first strategies so some inputs are missing and others are somewhat archaic)
this cog is formed by three signals which can be reduced by dividing by phi
Available settings:
Length setting for signal
Trigger parameter setting for strategy
stoploss settings
trailing stop settings
tp settings
I hope it fuels your curiosity
The Center of Gravity (COG) indicator is a technical indicator developed by John Ehlers in 2002, used to identify potential turning points in the price as early as possible. In fact, the creator John Ehlers claims zero lag to the price, and the smoothing effect of the indicator helps to spot turning points clearly and without distractions.
DI Crossing Daily Straregy HulkTradingSimple strategy based on crossing DI+ and DI- and Average True Range.
Long entry when DI+ crossover DI-
Short entry when DI+ crossunder DI-
Stop Loss and Take Profits based on Average True Range.
Default values are 1*ATR(14) for stop loss and 2*ATR(14) for Take Profit.
Risk reward 1 to 2 ratio.
Recommended default values, but you can change it if you want.
Recommended timeframe - 1D.
Script was tested on BTCUSDT pair and have a 2.4 profit factor.
Ehlers Mesa Spectrum Dominant Cycle [CC]The Mesa Spectrum Dominant Cycle was created by John Ehlers and this is the foundation for many indicators he created that would later follow. This is his updated version of his original Mesa algorithm and I do not recommend this indicator as a stand alone for trading. This is more of an informational indicator that will tell you the current dominant cycle period which is the approximate period between peaks and valleys in the underlying data. I have color coded buy signals just in case with both strong and normal signals. Darker colors are strong and lighter colors are normal. Buy when the line is green and sell when it is red.
Let me know if there are any other indicators you would like to see me publish!
Data Trader Stoch | RSI | MACD Strategy IndicatorImplementation of Data Trader's strategy, described in the youtube video, "Highly Profitable Stochastic + RSI + MACD Trading Strategy (Proven 100x)"
Also see Algovibes' video, "Highly Profitable Stochastic + RSI + MACD Trading Strategy? Testing Data Traders strategy in Python"
Note: Despite the claims, it generates barely, if any, signals, certainly in the crypto markets
If there are any mistakes, give feedback in the comments, and I'll fix
### Strategy Summary ###
# Long Signals #
Stoch K and D are oversold
RSI above midline
MACD above signal line
# Short Signals #
Stoch K and D are overbought
RSI below midline
MACD below signal line
# Stop loss and Take Profit #
Stop loss
Longs: below last swing low
Shorts: above last swing high
Take profit at 1.5x stop loss
MacD Short and/or Long with Bi-Directional TP and SL This tool allows you to test any variable value for MacD and Signal for going Long or Short with each market direction having customizable values for stop loss and take profit.
For example, sometimes the MacD and Signal values are better with different lengths between Short and Long. You can use this tool to see them overlaid and determine the best settings for going one direction or the other.
This script was preset for use with XBTUSD on the 4 hour time frame. Another example with this in mind, is take profits and stop losses might not work in the Long market direction but going Short does! Without this tool that would be hard to see since typically stop loss and take profit is applied to both directions. I found with this tool that a 20% take profit seems to be a good sweet spot for going short with this strategy.
You can customize which MacD histogram you see by going to the style section and turning off the Short or Long parameters so you can see only 1 histogram at a time if you wish.
If you have any questions, please PM me.
Gann High Low Activator AlertsA Gann High Low Activator within a fixed range meant for alerts. A value of 1 means we're in an uptrend, a value of -1 a downtrend, and a value of 0 is neutral.
Thank you and happy trading
MAD indicator Enchanced (MADH, inspired by J.Ehlers)This oscillator was inspired by the recent J. Ehler's article (Stocks & Commodities V. 39:11 (24–26): The MAD Indicator, Enhanced by John F. Ehlers). Basically, it shows the difference between two move averages, an "enhancement" made by the author in the last version comes down to replacement SMA to a weighted average that uses Hann windowing. I took the liberty to add colors, ROC line (well, you know, no shorts when ROC's negative and no long's when positive, etc), and optional usage of PVT (price-volume trend) as the source (instead of just price).
ZigZag reSampledthis indicator looks like the default ZigZag indicator but it uses the price action instead of the deviation%
- calculates the trajectory of every price change at each bar accordingly to the delta change on the next and so forth,
- the name is just a *pun* at the code☺☺☺