Fisher Transform Indicator by Ehlers Market prices do not have a Gaussian probability density function
as many traders think. Their probability curve is not bell-shaped.
But trader can create a nearly Gaussian PDF for prices by normalizing
them or creating a normalized indicator such as the relative strength
index and applying the Fisher transform. Such a transformed output
creates the peak swings as relatively rare events.
Fisher transform formula is: y = 0.5 * ln ((1+x)/(1-x))
The sharp turning points of these peak swings clearly and unambiguously
identify price reversals in a timely manner.
D_ELI (Ehlers Leading Indicator) This Indicator plots a single
Daily DSP (Detrended Synthetic Price) and a Daily ELI (Ehlers Leading
Indicator) using intraday data.
Detrended Synthetic Price is a function that is in phase with the dominant
cycle of real price data. This one is computed by subtracting a 3 pole Butterworth
filter from a 2 Pole Butterworth filter. Ehlers Leading Indicator gives an advanced
indication of a cyclic turning point. It is computed by subtracting the simple
moving average of the detrended synthetic price from the detrended synthetic price.
Buy and Sell signals arise when the ELI indicator crosses over or under the detrended
synthetic price.
See "MESA and Trading Market Cycles" by John Ehlers pages 64 - 70.