Crypto Volume/Strength ComparatorHello Traders,
Here is an attempt to perform comparative analysis between top cryptos based on strength (oscillator) and volume. Methodology used here is similar to Magic Number formula described in the post : Enhanced Magic Formula for fundamental analysis . But, instead of using fundamentals, we are making use of few technicals to derive similar outcome. Usage of the available stats will not be same as Magic number since we are using technicals.
⬜ Process
▶ Get crypto exchange based on prefix of instrument being used.
▶ For the given exchange, get data for all the tickers available in input fields.
▶ Calculate Oscillator, Momentum based on price for each tickers.
▶ Calculate Oscillator, Momentum based on volume for each tickers.
▶ Calculate Volatility for each tickers.
▶ Rank Price-Oscillator, Price-Momentum, Volume-Oscillator, Volume-Momentum, Volatility for each tickers.
▶ Calculate combined rank by adding up individual ranks.
▶ Calculate movement of rankings from bar to bar
▶ Sort tickers based on rank and populate them on table. Display direction of rankings.
⬜ Components
Display components are as follows:
⬜ Settings
Settings are pretty simple and straightforward
⬜ Calculations
▶ Oscillators : High values of oscillators are considered as ideal as the process is intended towards finding trend.
▶ Momentum : Momentum is calculated on the basis of Squeeze Momentum Indicator by @LazyBear.
▶ Volatility : Volatility is calculated on the basis of Williams Vix Fix by @ChrisMoody. Here too since we are in trend following mode, lower vix fix is considered ideal.
⬜ Few Notes
Tickers will show data only if selected exchange has them. Some tickers are not available in all exchanges. In that case, it will show NAN. This is kind of unavoidable as we need to have fixed size arrays for any calculations.
Indicator works only on crypto tickers which has valid exchange.
Tickers move through the rankings in real time. Background of all stats are based on gradient from green to red.
Tickers on top may not always have better long opportunity or tickers at bottom may not always be optimal for shorting. We need to consider how long the instrument may stay in the position or how fast it is moving in opposite direction. Hence, directions of the ranking movement are also shown on the table.
arrayutilsLibrary "_arrayutils"
Library contains utility functions using arrays.
delete(arr, index)
remove an item from array at specific index. Also deletes the item
arr : - array from which the item needs to be deleted
index : - index of item to be deleted
Returns: void
remove the last item from array. Also deletes the item
arr : - array from which the last item needs to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
remove an item from array at index 0. Also deletes the item
arr : - array from which the first item needs to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add an item to the beginning of an array with max items cap
arr : - array to which the item needs to be added at the beginning
val : - value of item which needs to be added
maxItems : - max items array can hold. After that, items are removed from the other end
Returns: resulting array
remove and delete all items in an array
arr : - array which needs to be cleared
Returns: void
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add an item to the end of an array with max items cap
arr : - array to which the item needs to be added at the beginning
val : - value of item which needs to be added
maxItems : - max items array can hold. After that, items are removed from the starting index
Returns: resulting array
check_overflow(pivots, barArray, dir)
finds difference between two timestamps
pivots : pivots array
barArray : pivot bar array
dir : direction for which overflow need to be checked
Returns: bool overflow
get_trend_series(pivots, length, highLow, trend)
finds series of pivots in particular trend
pivots : pivots array
length : length for which trend series need to be checked
highLow : filter pivot high or low
trend : Uptrend or Downtrend
Returns: int trendIndexes
get_trend_series(pivots, firstIndex, lastIndex)
finds series of pivots in particular trend
pivots : pivots array
firstIndex : First index of the series
lastIndex : Last index of the series
Returns: int trendIndexes
calculates sma for elements in array
source : source array
Returns: float sma
ema(source, length)
calculates ema for elements in array
source : source array
length : ema length
Returns: float ema
rma(source, length)
calculates rma for elements in array
source : source array
length : rma length
Returns: float rma
wma(source, length)
calculates wma for elements in array
source : source array
length : wma length
Returns: float wma
hma(source, length)
calculates hma for elements in array
source : source array
length : hma length
Returns: float hma
ma(source, matype, length)
wrapper for all moving averages based on array
source : source array
matype : moving average type. Valud values are: sma, ema, rma, wma and hma
length : moving average length length
Returns: float moving average
getFibSeries(numberOfFibs, start)
gets fib series in array
numberOfFibs : number of fibs
start : starting number
Returns: float fibArray
harmonicpatternsLibrary "harmonicpatterns"
harmonicpatterns: methods required for calculation of harmonic patterns. These are customised to be used in my scripts. But, also simple enough for others to make use of :)
isGartleyPattern(xabRatio, abcRatio, bcdRatio, xadRatio, err_min, err_max) isGartleyPattern: Checks for harmonic pattern Gartley
xabRatio : AB/XA
abcRatio : BC/AB
bcdRatio : CD/BC
xadRatio : AD/XA
err_min : Minumum error threshold
err_max : Maximum error threshold
Returns: True if the pattern is Gartley. False otherwise.
isBatPattern(xabRatio, abcRatio, bcdRatio, xadRatio, err_min, err_max) isBatPattern: Checks for harmonic pattern Bat
xabRatio : AB/XA
abcRatio : BC/AB
bcdRatio : CD/BC
xadRatio : AD/XA
err_min : Minumum error threshold
err_max : Maximum error threshold
Returns: True if the pattern is Bat. False otherwise.
isButterflyPattern(xabRatio, abcRatio, bcdRatio, xadRatio, err_min, err_max) isButterflyPattern: Checks for harmonic pattern Butterfly
xabRatio : AB/XA
abcRatio : BC/AB
bcdRatio : CD/BC
xadRatio : AD/XA
err_min : Minumum error threshold
err_max : Maximum error threshold
Returns: True if the pattern is Butterfly. False otherwise.
isCrabPattern(xabRatio, abcRatio, bcdRatio, xadRatio, err_min, err_max) isCrabPattern: Checks for harmonic pattern Crab
xabRatio : AB/XA
abcRatio : BC/AB
bcdRatio : CD/BC
xadRatio : AD/XA
err_min : Minumum error threshold
err_max : Maximum error threshold
Returns: True if the pattern is Crab. False otherwise.
isDeepCrabPattern(xabRatio, abcRatio, bcdRatio, xadRatio, err_min, err_max) isDeepCrabPattern: Checks for harmonic pattern DeepCrab
xabRatio : AB/XA
abcRatio : BC/AB
bcdRatio : CD/BC
xadRatio : AD/XA
err_min : Minumum error threshold
err_max : Maximum error threshold
Returns: True if the pattern is DeepCrab. False otherwise.
isCypherPattern(xabRatio, axcRatio, xadRatio, err_min, err_max) isCypherPattern: Checks for harmonic pattern Cypher
xabRatio : AB/XA
axcRatio : XC/AX
xadRatio : AD/XA
err_min : Minumum error threshold
err_max : Maximum error threshold
Returns: True if the pattern is Cypher. False otherwise.
isSharkPattern(xabRatio, abcRatio, bcdRatio, xadRatio, err_min, err_max) isSharkPattern: Checks for harmonic pattern Shark
xabRatio : AB/XA
abcRatio : BC/AB
bcdRatio : CD/BC
xadRatio : AD/XA
err_min : Minumum error threshold
err_max : Maximum error threshold
Returns: True if the pattern is Shark. False otherwise.
isNenStarPattern(xabRatio, abcRatio, bcdRatio, xadRatio, err_min, err_max) isNenStarPattern: Checks for harmonic pattern Nenstar
xabRatio : AB/XA
abcRatio : BC/AB
bcdRatio : CD/BC
xadRatio : AD/XA
err_min : Minumum error threshold
err_max : Maximum error threshold
Returns: True if the pattern is Nenstar. False otherwise.
isAntiNenStarPattern(xabRatio, abcRatio, bcdRatio, xadRatio, err_min, err_max) isAntiNenStarPattern: Checks for harmonic pattern Anti NenStar
xabRatio : - AB/XA
abcRatio : - BC/AB
bcdRatio : - CD/BC
xadRatio : - AD/XA
err_min : - Minumum error threshold
err_max : - Maximum error threshold
Returns: True if the pattern is Anti NenStar. False otherwise.
isAntiSharkPattern(xabRatio, abcRatio, bcdRatio, xadRatio, err_min, err_max) isAntiSharkPattern: Checks for harmonic pattern Anti Shark
xabRatio : AB/XA
abcRatio : BC/AB
bcdRatio : CD/BC
xadRatio : AD/XA
err_min : Minumum error threshold
err_max : Maximum error threshold
Returns: True if the pattern is Anti Shark. False otherwise.
isAntiCypherPattern(xabRatio, abcRatio, bcdRatio, xadRatio, err_min, err_max) isAntiCypherPattern: Checks for harmonic pattern Anti Cypher
xabRatio : AB/XA
abcRatio : BC/AB
bcdRatio : CD/BC
xadRatio : AD/XA
err_min : Minumum error threshold
err_max : Maximum error threshold
Returns: True if the pattern is Anti Cypher. False otherwise.
isAntiCrabPattern(xabRatio, abcRatio, bcdRatio, xadRatio, err_min, err_max) isAntiCrabPattern: Checks for harmonic pattern Anti Crab
xabRatio : AB/XA
abcRatio : BC/AB
bcdRatio : CD/BC
xadRatio : AD/XA
err_min : Minumum error threshold
err_max : Maximum error threshold
Returns: True if the pattern is Anti Crab. False otherwise.
isAntiBatPattern(xabRatio, abcRatio, bcdRatio, xadRatio, err_min, err_max) isAntiBatPattern: Checks for harmonic pattern Anti Bat
xabRatio : AB/XA
abcRatio : BC/AB
bcdRatio : CD/BC
xadRatio : AD/XA
err_min : Minumum error threshold
err_max : Maximum error threshold
Returns: True if the pattern is Anti Bat. False otherwise.
isAntiGartleyPattern(xabRatio, abcRatio, bcdRatio, xadRatio, err_min, err_max) isAntiGartleyPattern: Checks for harmonic pattern Anti Gartley
xabRatio : AB/XA
abcRatio : BC/AB
bcdRatio : CD/BC
xadRatio : AD/XA
err_min : Minumum error threshold
err_max : Maximum error threshold
Returns: True if the pattern is Anti Gartley. False otherwise.
isNavarro200Pattern(xabRatio, abcRatio, bcdRatio, xadRatio, err_min, err_max) isNavarro200Pattern: Checks for harmonic pattern Navarro200
xabRatio : AB/XA
abcRatio : BC/AB
bcdRatio : CD/BC
xadRatio : AD/XA
err_min : Minumum error threshold
err_max : Maximum error threshold
Returns: True if the pattern is Navarro200. False otherwise.
isHarmonicPattern(x, a, c, c, d, flags, errorPercent) isHarmonicPattern: Checks for harmonic patterns
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
c : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
d : D coordinate value
flags : flags to check patterns. Send empty array to enable all
errorPercent : Error threshold
Returns: Array of boolean values which says whether valid pattern exist and array of corresponding pattern names
Divergence-Support/Resistance - Widget [HeWhoMustNotBeNamed]Unique live widget which provides information about support and resistance along with distance to immediate levels.
⬜ Custom Candle Source
Three options of candles available
▶ Regular OHLC candles
▶ Heikin-Ashi candles ( Taken leaf out of @Bjorgum's book - but, still could not do it as good as him :) )
▶ Moving average candles
⬜ Multiple zigzags and choice of oscillator
Like any other zigzag based indicator, I prefer using 4 zigzag levels.
And select oscillator of your choice to identify divergence. Oscillator lengths are automatically calculated based on zigzag lengths. You can also chose external oscillator.
⬜ Support and resistance widget settings
▶ Max S/R per zigzag - this is the number of last S/R levels recorded for each zigzag
▶ Max S/R for stats - even though there can be many number of S/R levels, we cannot show all of them in the widget due to space constraint. Hence, this is set to minimal value of 3. Can be changed via this input.
▶ Max S/R for Alerts - When sending stats through alerts, users can decide how many immediate S/R levels to be sent in them.
▶ Alert Choices - Can chose to get alerts when new S/R levels formed and also when existing S/R levels broken.
Personally think it is a very handy widget to have!!
Inverse Divergence [HeWhoMustNotBeNamed]Experimental.
In regular scenario divergence calculation follows these procedure
Pivots on price are considered as primary source
They are compared with pivots on oscillators
Trend bias of price is used
This is an experimental version where
Pivots on oscillators are considered as primary source
They are compared with pivots on price
Trend bias of oscillator is used. Using percentrank to define oscillator trend
Caution: Not meant for trading :)
Auto TrendLines [HeWhoMustNotBeNamed]I started off with the intention of creating script to identify Wolfe wave projection. But, soon ran into problem with loops. Realized drawing wedge is more difficult than drawing converging triangle. Hence, took a step back and started working on wedges and triangle identification. Ended up with a messy output which looked like this.
Had to take another step back and hence decided to make Trendlines detection script and here we are :)
⬜ Process
▶ Scan pivots which are in trend. This means, series of pivot Highs or pivot lows either in ascending order or descending order.
▶ Draw trend line between each of the pivots in the trend series. For example, if there are 5 pivot high uptrend pivots, draw mXn lines between each of these points.
▶ Select the trend line which is more accurate or stronger. Accuracy is measured by number of candles/wicks touching the line and number of candles which fall outside the line. Stronger trendlines will touch more candles and pivots with less overflow.
▶ Remove all lines except the most accurate one for each direction.
At any point of time, you will see upto 4 trend lines in this script.
▶ Trendline joining pivot highs in uptrending condition
▶ Trendline joining pivot lows in uptrending condition
▶ Trendline joining pivot highs in downtrending condition
▶ Trendline joining pivot lows in downtrending conditions
The older line will remain until the new one comes through of same type. Hence, you will still be able to see uptrending high and low trend lines for downtrending instruments which are created way back!! Also, new trendlines replace old ones only if they are more stronger (connect to more pivots with less overflow)
⬜ Settings
Settings are simple.
User can select preferred Zigzag Length and Search Depth. Higher numbers for these two parameters will present longer term trends whereas lower numbers will display shorter ones.
Trend Lines controlls will allow users to enable/disable specific type of trend line, set color and line style to it.
⬜ Few Examples
▶ Uptrending Market : NASDAQ:NDX
▶ Downtrending Market : NYSE:BABA
▶ Ranging Market : NYSE:PLTR
Multi-ZigZag Multi-Oscillator Trend DetectorThis table is intended to give you snapshot of how price and oscillators are moving along with zigzag pivots.
This is done in the same lines of Zigzag-Trend-Divergence-Detector
But, here are the differences
Table shows multiple oscillator movements at a same time instead of one selected oscillator
Divergence is not calculated and also supertrend based trend. Trend can be calculated based on zigzag movements. However, lets keep this for future enhancements.
This system also uses multiple zigzags instead of just one.
⬜ Process
▶ Derive multiple zigzags - Code is taken from Multi-ZigZag
▶ Along with zigzags - also calculate different oscillators and attach it to zigzag pivot.
▶ Calculate directions of zigzag pivots and corresponding oscillators.
▶ Plot everything in the table on last bar.
⬜ Table components
Table contains following data:
Directional legends are:
⇈ - Higher High (Green)
⇊ - Lower Low (Red)
⭡- Lower High (Orange)
⭣ - Higher Low (Lime)
⬜ Input Parameters
▶ Source : Default is close. If Unchecked - uses high/low data for calculating pivots. Can also use external input such as OBV
▶ Stats : Gives option to select the depth of output (History) and also lets you chose text size and table position.
▶ Oscillators : Oscillator length is derived by multiplying multiplier to zigzag length. For example, for zigzag 5, with 4 as multiplier, all oscillators are calculated with length 20. But, same for zigzag 8 will be 32 and so on.
▶ Available oscillators :
CCI - Commodity Channel Index
CMO - Chande Momentum Oscillator
COG - Center Of Gravity
MFI - Money Flow Index (Shows only if volume is present)
MOM - Momentum oscillator
ROC - Rate Of Change
RSI - Relative Strength Index
TSI - Total Strength Index
WPR - William Percent R
BB - Bollinger Percent B
KC - Keltner Channel Percent K
DC - Donchian Channel Percent D
ADC - Adoptive Donchian Channel Percent D ( Adoptive-Donchian-Channel )
⬜ Challenges
There are 12 oscillators and each zigzag has different length. Which means, there are 48 combinations of the ocillators.
First challenge was generating these values without creating lots of static initialization. Also, note, if the functions are not called on each bar, then they will not yield correct result. This is achieved through initializer function which runs on every bar and stores the oscillator values in an array which emulates multi dimensional array oscillator X zigzag length.
Next challenge was getting these values within function when we need it. While doing so I realized that values stored in array also have historical series and calling array.get will actully get you the entire series and not just the value. This is an important takeaway for me and this can be used for further complex implementations.
Thanks to @LonesomeTheBlue and @LucF for some timely suggestions and interesting technical discussions :)
Zigzag Candles SupertrendHere it is, as promised, supertrend based on Zigzag candles.
Earlier scripts on the Zigzag Candles expedition are here:
Zigzag candles parameters Length and CandleSize remain as is. Along with this, we also add MALength and AtrMult to calculate ATR based on the new candles and to use it to derive supertrend.
UseZigzagCandles - selecting this will apply supertrend on zigzag candles and ignore the actual price candles completely.
UseClosePrices - Uses close price as base instead of high/low. Can be used in both modes of price candles and zigzag candles.
Zigzag Candles MAWe have the candles here: Zigzag-Candles
Lets create moving average!!
Just simple moving average at the moment. Since, items are in array. Not so easy to use standard functions of pine. Hence, will take that for future enhancements.
ATR and Supertrend next!!
Zigzag CandlesCan't deny that I am obsessed with zigzags. Been doing some crazy experiments with it and have many more in pipeline. I believe zigzag can be used to derive better trend following methods. Here is an attempt to visualize zigzag as candlesticks. Next steps probably to derive moving average, atr (although there was an attempt of AZR made earlier) and probably supertrend too ;)
Input parameters include ZigzagLength (to calculate zigzag) and CandleSize (number of zigzag pivots in each candle)
CandleSize can be 3 or more. Every time we collect pivots which are equal to CandleSize, we derive one candle. And when we derive a candle, we remove all old pivots except the last one. Becauase, the last pivot acts as open to the next bar and is required.
Body of the candle tells the start and end zigzag pivot in the range. And Wicks signify highest and lowest pivots in the range. High and Low wicks are placed at the pivot where high and lows are formed. Hence, you can see them at different positions each time.
Thanks to @RicardoSantos for suggesting boxes for candles - while I was trying to achieve this with plotbar
Multi Level ZigZag Harmonic PatternsLets make things bit complicated.
Main difference between this script and the earlier Multi Zigzag Harmonic Pattern is the calculation logic of Zigzag 2, 3 and 4
In the earlier script, all zigzags were plain and were calculated on the basis of different lengths. (Such as 5, 10, 15, 20). These were derived on the basis of Multi Zigzag indicator
In this script, Zigzag 2, 3 and 4 are calculated in slightly different way. They are calculated on the basis of previous zigzag. This means, Zigzag 1 will be the input for Zigzag2 calculation and Zigzag 2 will be the input for Zigzag3 and so on. This is demonstrated in the script - Multi Level Zigzag
One important parameter which is specific to this script is: UseZigZagChain
If checked:
Zigzag2 is formed based on Zigzag1
Zigzag3 is formed based on Zigzag2
Zigzag4 is formed based on Zigzag3
This can lead to patterns covering huge number of candles as this chaining causes exponential effect in each levels. (Effective length grows exponentially in each level)
If unchecked:
Zigzag2 is formed based on Zigzag1 (Same as when checked)
Zigzag3 is formed based on Zigzag1. But, length is set to zigzag2Length + zigzag3Length
Zigzag4 is formed based on Zigzag1. But, length is set to zigzag2Length + zigzag3Length + zigzag4Length
This reduces exponential increase of zigzag lengths over next levels.
Logical ratios of patterns are coded as below:
Lines XABCD forms the pattern in all cases. (OXABCD in case of Three drives )
abc = BC retacement of AB, xab = AB retracement of XA and so on
ABCD Classic
0.618 <= abc <= 0.786
1.272 <= bcd <= 1.618
Price difference between AB and CD are equal
Time difference between AB and CD are equal
ABCD Extension
0.618 <= abc <= 0.786
1.272 <= AD/ BC (price) <= 1.618
xab = 0.618
0.382 <= abc <= 0.886
1.272 <= bcd <= 1.618 OR xad = 0.786
0.382 <= xab <= 0.618
0.382 <= abc <= 0.886
2.24 <= bcd <= 3.618 OR xad = 1.618
Deep Crab
xab = 0.886
0.382 <= abc <= 0.886
2.0 <= bcd <= 3.618 OR xad = 1.618
0.382 <= xab <= 0.50
0.382 <= abc <= 0.886
1.618 <= bcd <= 2.618 OR xad = 0.886
xab = 0.786
0.382 <= abc <= 0.886
1.618 <= bcd <= 2.618 OR 1.272 <= xad <= 2.618
xab = 0.786
1.13 <= abc <= 1.618
1.618 <= bcd <= 2.24 OR 0.886 <= xad <= 1.13
0.382 <= xab <= 0.618
1.13 <= abc <= 1.414
1.272 <= bcd <= 2.0 OR xad = 0.786
Three Drives
oxa = 0.618
1.27 <= xab <= 1.618
abc = 0.618
1.27 <= bcd <= 1.618
1.13 <= xab <= 1.618
1.618 <= abc <= 2.24
bcd = 0.5
Double Bottom
Last two pivot High Lows make W shape
Last Pivot Low is higher than previous Last Pivot Low.
Last Pivot High is lower than previous last Pivot High.
Price has not gone below Last Pivot Low
Price breaks out of last Pivot High to complete W shape
Double Top
Last two pivot High Lows make M shape
Last Pivot Low is higher than previous Last Pivot Low.
Last Pivot High is lower than previous last Pivot High.
Price has not gone above Last Pivot High
Price breaks out of last Pivot Low to complete M shape
Multi ZigZag Harmonic PatternsCombining Multizigzag with harmonic patterns - this script generates harmonic patterns based on multiple deapth zigzags.
Input parameter allows to chose which Zigzag to be included in pattern identification and set different length, line color, width and style for each Zigzag combinations.
Pattern rules are as below:
xab = 0.618
0.382 <= abc <= 0.886
1.272 <= bcd <= 1.618 OR xad = 0.786
0.382 <= xab <= 0.618
0.382 <= abc <= 0.886
2.24 <= bcd <= 3.618 OR xad = 1.618
Deep Crab
xab = 0.886
0.382 <= abc <= 0.886
2.0 <= bcd <= 3.618 OR xad = 1.618
0.382 <= xab <= 0.50
0.382 <= abc <= 0.886
1.618 <= bcd <= 2.618 OR xad = 0.886
xab = 0.786
0.382 <= abc <= 0.886
1.618 <= bcd <= 2.618 OR 1.272 <= xad <= 2.618
xab = 0.786
1.13 <= abc <= 1.618
1.618 <= bcd <= 2.24 OR 0.886 <= xad <= 1.13
0.382 <= xab <= 0.618
1.13 <= abc <= 1.414
1.272 <= bcd <= 2.0 OR xad = 0.786
Three Drives
oxa = 0.618
1.27 <= xab <= 1.618
abc = 0.618
1.27 <= bcd <= 1.618
1.13 <= xab <= 1.618
1.618 <= abc <= 2.24
bcd = 0.5
Related scripts are present here:
Auto Harmonic Patterns - Open SourceI may not be able to spend much time on the harmonic patterns and realized that there are not much open source scripts on them either. Hence, decided to release open source version which can be used by other developers for reference and build things on top of it.
Original script is protected and can be found here:
Logical ratios of patterns are coded as below:
Lines XABCD forms the pattern in all cases. (OXABCD in case of Three drives )
abc = BC retacement of AB, xab = AB retracement of XA and so on
ABCD Classic
0.618 <= abc <= 0.786
1.272 <= bcd <= 1.618
Price difference between AB and CD are equal
Time difference between AB and CD are equal
ABCD Extension
0.618 <= abc <= 0.786
1.272 <= AD/ BC (price) <= 1.618
xab = 0.618
0.382 <= abc <= 0.886
1.272 <= bcd <= 1.618 OR xad = 0.786
0.382 <= xab <= 0.618
0.382 <= abc <= 0.886
2.24 <= bcd <= 3.618 OR xad = 1.618
Deep Crab
xab = 0.886
0.382 <= abc <= 0.886
2.0 <= bcd <= 3.618 OR xad = 1.618
0.382 <= xab <= 0.50
0.382 <= abc <= 0.886
1.618 <= bcd <= 2.618 OR xad = 0.886
xab = 0.786
0.382 <= abc <= 0.886
1.618 <= bcd <= 2.618 OR 1.272 <= xad <= 2.618
xab = 0.786
1.13 <= abc <= 1.618
1.618 <= bcd <= 2.24 OR 0.886 <= xad <= 1.13
0.382 <= xab <= 0.618
1.13 <= abc <= 1.414
1.272 <= bcd <= 2.0 OR xad = 0.786
Three Drives
oxa = 0.618
1.27 <= xab <= 1.618
abc = 0.618
1.27 <= bcd <= 1.618
1.13 <= xab <= 1.618
1.618 <= abc <= 2.24
bcd = 0.5
This script contains everything which original script has apart from stats. Use the original script if you are not developer looking for code reference and prefer having stats table.
I have also developed a strategy based on harmonic patterns which can be found here:
Adaptive Donchian ChannelThis is Slight modified version of Donchian channel. Only change here is, channels update only when there is breakout. If price keeps ranging within channel, it will not contract based on new highest and lowest range.
This can be used for identifying powerful breakouts post long consolidation and filter out fakeouts.