Margin/Leverage CalculationMargin
This library calculates margin liquidation prices and quantities for long and short positions in your strategies.
Usage example
// ############################################################
// ############################################################
// Get the investment capital from the properties tab of the strategy settings.
investment_capital = strategy.initial_capital
// Get the leverage from the properties tab of the strategy settings.
// The leverage is calculated from the order size for example: (300% = x3 leverage)
investment_leverage = margin.leverage()
// The maintainance rate and amount.
investment_leverage_maintenance_rate = input.float(title='Maintanance Rate (%)', defval=default_investment_leverage_maintenance_rate, minval=0, maxval=100, step=0.1, tooltip=tt_investment_leverage_maintenance_rate, group='MARGIN') / 100
investment_leverage_maintenance_amount = input.float(title='Maintanance Amount (%)', defval=default_investment_leverage_maintenance_amount, minval=0, maxval=100, step=0.1, tooltip=tt_investment_leverage_maintenance_amount, group='MARGIN')
// ############################################################
// ############################################################
leverage_liquidation_price_long = 0.0
leverage_liquidation_price_long := na(leverage_liquidation_price_long ) ? na : leverage_liquidation_price_long
leverage_liquidation_price_short = 0.0
leverage_liquidation_price_short := na(leverage_liquidation_price_short ) ? na : leverage_liquidation_price_short
leverage_liquidation_price_long := margin.liquidation_price_long(investment_capital, strategy.position_avg_price, investment_leverage, investment_leverage_maintenance_rate, investment_leverage_maintenance_amount)
leverage_liquidation_price_short := margin.liquidation_price_short(investment_capital, strategy.position_avg_price, investment_leverage, investment_leverage_maintenance_rate, investment_leverage_maintenance_amount)
Get the qty for margin long or short position.
margin.qty_long(investment_capital, strategy.position_avg_price, investment_leverage, investment_leverage_maintenance_rate, investment_leverage_maintenance_amount)
margin.qty_short(investment_capital, strategy.position_avg_price, investment_leverage, investment_leverage_maintenance_rate, investment_leverage_maintenance_amount)
Get the price and qty for margin long or short position.
= margin.qty_long(investment_capital, strategy.position_avg_price, investment_leverage, investment_leverage_maintenance_rate, investment_leverage_maintenance_amount)
= margin.qty_short(investment_capital, strategy.position_avg_price, investment_leverage, investment_leverage_maintenance_rate, investment_leverage_maintenance_amount)
Liquidation Estimates (Real-Time) [LuxAlgo]The Liquidation Estimates (Real-Time) experimental indicator attempts to highlight real-time long and short liquidations on all timeframes. Here with liquidations, we refer to the process of forcibly closing a trader's position in the market.
By analyzing liquidation data, traders can gauge market sentiment, identify potential support and resistance levels, identify potential trend reversals, and make informed decisions about entry and exit points.
Liquidation refers to the process of forcibly closing a trader's position. It occurs when a trader's margin account can no longer support their open positions due to significant losses or a lack of sufficient margin to meet the maintenance requirements.
Liquidations can be categorized as either a long liquidation or a short liquidation. A long liquidation is a situation where long positions are being liquidated, while short liquidation is a situation where short positions are being liquidated.
The green bars indicate long liquidations – meaning the number of long positions liquidated in the market. Typically, long liquidations occur when there is a sudden drop in the asset price that is being traded. This is because traders who were bullish on the asset and had opened long positions on the same will now face losses since the market has moved against them.
Similarly, the red bars indicate short liquidations – meaning the number of short positions liquidated in the futures market. Short liquidations occur when there is a sudden spike in the price of the asset that is being traded. This is because traders who were bearish on the asset and had opened short positions will now face losses since the market has moved against them.
Liquidation patterns or clusters of liquidations could indicate potential trend reversals.
🔹 Dominance
Liquidation dominance (Difference) displays the difference between long and short liquidations, aiming to help identify the dominant side.
🔹 Total Liquidations
Total liquidations display the sum of long and short liquidations.
🔹 Cumulative Liquidations
Cumulative liquidations are essentially the cumulative sum of the difference between short and long liquidations aiming to confirm the trend and the strength of the trend.
It's important to note that liquidation data is not provided on the Trading View's platform or can not be fetched from anywhere else.
Yet we know that the liquidation data is closely tied in with trading volumes in the market and the movement in the underlying asset’s price. As a result, this script analyzes available data sources extracts the required information, and presents an educated estimate of the liquidation data.
The data presented does not reflect the actual individual quantitative value of the liquidation data, traders and analysts shall look to the changes over time and the correlation between liquidation data and price movements.
The script's output with the default option values has been visually checked/compared with the liquidation chart presented on
🔹Liquidations Input
Mode: defines the presentation of the liquidations chart. Details are given in the tooltip of the option.
Longs Reference Price: defines the base price in calculating long liquidations.
Shorts Reference Price: defines the base price in calculating short liquidations.
G'day Tradeurs, Hope everyone is having a FAN-FRIGGIN-TASTIC DAY!!! Right now (November 2nd, 2022) is a GREAT time to look for coins that are near their ALL-Time Low
due to the incoming bull market rearing its head around the corner (I'd wait for ONE MORE big dump to be safe though). And how GREAT would it be to even have
$50 of a coin with 10X leverage (I wouldn't suggest this to others though) at the near bottom said market? That is the reason for me publishing this.
This is a quick little scanner script thats part of my "Market Overview" series. Nothing monumental or advanced regarding the ATH/ATL calculations.
Perhaps one thing slightly different here than others is both the % from ATH and % from ATL is calculated and the result is the % that the price is between it's ATH/ATL.
So, it will show the All Time High/All Time Low BUT ONLY to the extent that the TF will allow. Ie. For the Free Planned Users, they can only get data as far back as
5,000 bars would provide. Thus, the ATH/ATL will not show the ACTUAL ATH/ATL but the highest high/lowest low within the last 5,000 bars. So if you want to get more
granular then I suggest you going with a Lower TF but if you want to see the ACTUAL ATH/ATL then the Daily TF or higher is what you're looking for. Make sure to note
that when a coin's plot is staying even with the 0 or 100 line(0 being the ATL within the TF and vise versa) that means the coin is pushing the ATH/ATL further than it
previously was, Also, as with many of my other scripts, I've included a coin filter that will either allow or disallow the plot to be printed depending on if the
"Printed Bar Count" is selected and if it's % is above the threshold (set by the user). This filter will pretty much be useless on the higher TF so don't expect a change
in the data output if you're using a HTF and have that filter selected for use. Elaboration on the inner-workings of MOST inputs can be found in the tooltips provided
along side it and viewed within the settings menu by hovering your curser over the little circled "i" next to the appropriate setting (or near it if the tooltips are
referencing each other or other inputs around itself). May the force be with your trades (in my best Darth Vader voice). Toodles. -ChasinAlts
ATR SL + Position Size Calculator [DoctaBot]Props to @Veryfid for his original script 'ATR Stop Loss Finder'.
The concept is simple. We use the average true range to determine an appropriate stop loss distance based on recent volatility. The original script calculated the stop loss offset from the current candle's high or low. Here, I've added the option to offset stop loss from the recent local low or local high (a better way in my opinion).
I have also added a feature to automatically calculate position size by either dollar amount or as a percent of your account size to suit your risk profile (percent of account at risk per trade). This calculator supports use of leverage to calculate the amount of margin required to open desired position size.
BTC longs n' shortsA indicator that neatly shows you BitFinex margin longs and shorts that can be put on any chart!
Elevated Leverage index System - ELiSELEVATED LEVERAGE index SYSTEM (ELiS) tries to solve the problem of adjusting meaningful leverage in futures and margin trading.
The biggest problem for traders is adjusting the leverage level manually.
Concerning about the volatilities it's very hard to set a meaningful leverage level.
ELiS includes 4 different volatility component which are:
1- nATR: Normalized Average True Range which is actually ATR/price to stabilize ATR's value differences when price changes are high on long term periods.
2- Standard Deviation
3- Kairi based nATR
4- Bollinger %B
which are scaled from 0 to 100 and takes different averages with different combinations & ratios and combines them as an index.
This index calculates an average volatility to set the true leverage level when trading futures especially in Crypto and FX markets.
There are 5 risk levels of "GEARS" like on automobiles to set the max leverage for risk management.
Gear 1 - CONSERVATIVE: max leverage level can be 20 for swing traders and beginners
Gear 2 - STANDARD: max leverage level can be 25 (default) for day traders
Gear 3 - AVERAGE: max leverage level can be 33 for day traders
Gear 4 - RISKY: max leverage level can be 50 for scalpers
Gear 5 - AGRESSIVE: max leverage level can be 100 for advanced scalpers
default length for ATR, Standard Deviation and %B are all 50
When markets aren't volatile: ELiS indicateshigher leverage values to maximize profits.
When markets are volatile enough: ELiS indicates lower values to reduce risk level.
hope you all enjoy ELiS on profitable trades.
Alferow_pnl_up_shortThis script allows you to determine the leverage required to enter one position based on the set entry price, the price of the expected take profit, stop loss and risk per transaction. It also allows you to schedule this transaction for 5 possible transactions, with different shoulders and a martingale coefficient for each subsequent gain at the same risk, allowing you to qualitatively improve the pnl of the transaction with price fluctuations after entering the transaction. The script is designed for short positions.
Alferow_pnl_up_longThis script allows you to determine the leverage required to enter one position based on the set entry price, the price of the expected take profit, stop loss and risk per transaction. It also allows you to schedule this transaction for 5 possible transactions, with different shoulders and a martingale coefficient for each subsequent gain at the same risk, allowing you to qualitatively improve the pnl of the transaction with price fluctuations after entering the transaction. The script is designed for long positions.
Margin Buying Pressure Zones Longs & ShortsShows the Margin Pressure Zones for longs and shorts Longs & Shorts based on 2 Base prices to be configured by you.
For definition of "Margin Pressure Zones" see:
How to use Leverage and Margin in PineScriptEn route to being absolutely the best and most complete trading platform out there, TradingView has just closed 2 gaps in their PineScript language.
It is now possible to create and backtest a strategy for trading with leverage.
Backtester now produces Margin Calls - so recognizes mid-trade drawdown and if it is too big for the broker to maintain your trade, some part of if will be instantly closed.
New additions were announced in official blogpost , but it lacked code examples, so I have decided to publish this script. Having said that - this is purely educational stuff.
Let's start with the Leverage. I will discuss this assuming we are always entering trades with some percentage of our equity balance (default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity), not fixed order quantity.
If you want to trade with 1:1 leverage (so no leverage) and enter a trade with all money in your trading account, then first line of your strategy script must include this parameter:
default_qty_value = 100 // which stands for 100%
Now, if you want to trade with 30:1 leverage, you need to multipy the quantity by 30x, so you'd get 30 x 100 = 3000:
default_qty_value = 3000 // which stands for 3000%
And you can play around with this value as you wish, so if you want to enter each trade with 10% equity on 15:1 leverage you'd get default_qty_value = 150.
That's easy. Of course you can modify this quantity value not only in the script, but also afterwards in Script Settings popup, "Properties" tab.
Second newly released feature is Margin calculation together with Margin Calls. If the market goes against your trades and your trading account cannot maintain mid-trade drawdown - those trades will be closed in full or partly. Also, if your trading account cannot afford to open more trades (pyramiding those trades), Margin mechanism will prevent them from being entered.
I will not go into details about how Margin calculation works, it was all explainged in above mentioned blogpost and documentation .
All you need to do is to add two parameters to the opening line of your script:
margin_long = 1./30*50, margin_short = 1./30*50
Whereas "30" is a leverage scale as in 30:1, and "50" stands for 50% of Margin required by your broker. Personally the Required Margin number I've met most often is 50%, so I'm using value 50 here, but there are literally 1000+ brokers in this world and this is individual decision by each of them, so you'd better ask yourself.
Please note, that if you ever encounter a strategy which triggers Margin Call at least once, then it is probably a very bad strategy. Margin Call is a last resort, last security measure - all the risks should be calculated by the strategy algorithm before it is ever hit. So if you see a Margin Call being triggred, then something is wrong with risk management of the strategy. Therefore - don't use it!
Target Price for KuCoin FuturesWhen trading on KuCoin, it can be difficult to determine what you're exit price should be.
This script solves this issue by giving you an exit price based on a given entry price, a base margin, and a target profit %.
No Entry Price:
If you have no position in KuCoin, then this use case could be more helpful. With no entry price inputted, two lines will be drawn above and below the current closing price.
The blue line represents your exit price for if you were to enter into a long at the current close.
The orange line represents your exit price if you were to enter into a short at the current close.
With Entry Price:
If you're already in a position in KuCoin, then this case might be more helpful.
The green line represents your exit price for a long from your entry price
The red line represents your exit price for a short from your entry price
The yellow line represents your entry price itself.
Cross Pair [NeoButane]Creates candlesticks of a cross pair of any symbol you want. Ideally both pairs would be denominated in the same currency.
The candlesticks are plotted, a close value is available to use for applying indicators on, and a label shows what is being used.
Options to configure are choosing the symbols, displaying the ticker without the exchange name, and removing wicks. If the exchange prefix is 'BATS', 'FRED', or 'TVC', it is automatically removed.
Margin Zones 5 (MZE5)Extended version of MZE script.
This indicator can be set up for 5 different tickers, so you can fill up your favourite tikers as fixed and switch between them without changing settings options of Tick Count, Margin and POC
Using option "Show default Zones if not Matched" - you can set up default options,
switching off "Show default Zones if not Matched" - will hide indicator for not matched tikers
By default option is Off
Расширенная версия индикатора MZE, которая позволяет сделать настройки одновременно для 5 разных тикеров, соответственно переключаясь между отслеживаемыми тикерами не нужно каждый раз менять настройки. Достаточно один раз настроить базовые настройки к любимым тикерам и только корректировать значение Маржи и Обеспечения.
Используя Опцию "Show default Zones if not Matched" ("Показывать, когда нет совпадения") - индикатор будет отображаться для всех тикеров с настройками по умолчанию.
И наоборот (по умолчанию): при снятой галочке - индикатор будет отображаться только на тех тикерах, к которым привязан, и не будет мешать на остальных
Margin Zones (MZE)Upgraded indicator Margin Zones with various number of options:
- Number of Days Ago to limit days when Zones are visible
- Price, margin and ticks can be set with decimal point
- Zones can be switched off separately
- all line are editable
Leverage Strategy and a few words on risk/opportunityHello traders,
I started this script as a joke for someone... finally appears it could be used for educational content
Let's talk about leverage and margin call
Margin Call
A margin call is the broker's demand that an investor deposit additional money or securities so that the account is brought up to the minimum value, known as the maintenance margin.
A margin call usually means that one or more of the securities held in the margin account has decreased in value below a certain point.
A leverage is a system which allows the trader to open positions much larger than his own capital. ... “Leverage” usually refers to the ratio between the position value and the investment needed,
The strategy simulates long/short positions on a 4h high/low breakout based on the chart candle close.
The panel below shows the strategy equity curve. Activating the margin call option will show when the account would be margin called giving the settings
I'm not doing any financial recommendation here.
I made this strategy so that people include more risk management metrics into their strategy.
From the code, we see it's fairly easy to calculate a leveraged position size and a margin call flag - when that flag is hit, the system stops trading.
I simplified things to the extreme here but my point is that the leverage is a double-edge sword gift.
Assuming we always take the same position sizing, increasing the leverage speed up how fast a margin could be ..... called. (bad joke? feel free to tell me). Not saying it will, saying it introduces more risk by design.
Then one could say "I'll just turn off that stupid margin call option". And that's when someone starts backtesting with unrealistic market conditions.
When I backtest I always assume the worst in every scenario possible (because I'm French), I always try to minimize the risk first (also because I'm French), keeping as close from 0 as possible (French again)
Then I add the "opportunity" component, looking to catch the maximum of opportunity while keeping the risk low.
It's like a Rubix cube puzzle - decreasing the risk is one side of the equation but whenever I try to catch more opportunity... my risks increases.
Then I update my risk... and now the opportunity decreases... (#wut #wen #simple)
Completely removing the risk from a trading strategy isn't something I wouldn't dare doing.
Trading involves risk. Being obsessed by decreasing the risk is what I do BEST :)
BTC strategy for margin tradingAlmost identical to the one I published before, but this one includes short orders as well.
I didn't spend much time backtesting, so there may be a different set of parameters that gives better results. Please let me know if you find something!
BFXLS100This is the popular Bitfinex margin Longs/Shorts overlay script made compatible with other exchanges. So you can for example use it with BitMEXT XBTUSD and it will still plot Bitfinex BTCUSD.
It always plots data for the same currency pair, so for ETHUSD of any exchange, it will always plot Bitfinex ETHUSD margin data.
CCV Crypto Margin Positions Via BitfinexAllows you to change between multiple assets to see open longs versus shorts. Includes BTC, ETH, LTC, TRX and more. You can also choose the quote pair of USD or BTC to get an idea for Bitmex assets as well. If you choose BTC on a BTC quote the USD positions will appear. All other assets will show the BTC paired positions.
Like and follow for more free scripts in the future.
Volume + Margin Toolkit (Longs & Shorts)-predicts volume on current bar based on how long is left in the bar
-shows how much volume is spent on margin positions
-shows how much buy & sell volume on margin positions
-shows volume in fiat value
-normalized view shows percent of volume spent on margin
-enter the security name for shorts & longs data, by default it is set to BITFINEX:BTCUSDLONGS and BTCUSDSHORTS.
Ultimate 'Multi-Timeframe' Multi-Averages + Bitfinex Margin %Added Bitfinex % longs and shorts to the "Ultimate Multitimeframe Multiaverages" indicator.
It works with all coins using charts from Bitfinex.
Net XRP Margin PositionTotal XRP Longs minus XRP Shorts in order to give you the total outstanding XRP margin debt.
ie: If 500,000 XRP has been longed, and 400,000 XRP has been shorted, then 500,000 has been bought, and 400,000 sold, leaving us with 100,000 XRP (net) remaining to be sold to give us an overall neutral margin position.
That isn't to say that the net margin position must move towards zero, but it is a sensible reference point, and historical net values may provide useful insights into the current circumstances.
Bitfinex BTC margin position differencesIf green is over the red it means that longs are currently dominant on BitFinex for BTC.
Same goes if red is over green just that shorts are dominant.
If the green is over red the green will show how many more longs there are than shorts and if you hover over the red you will see how many more shorts there are compared to longs
Vice versa if red is over green .
You can change to a histogram, area, line or any other style of chart in the settings of the indicator
The black dashed line in the middle is 0 aka if u see the indicator go there it means there are an equal amount of longs and shorts
XRPBTCSHORTS XRPBTCLONGS - Bitfinex XRP Shorts & Longs// Created by titanlyy
// This script was inspired by @autemox who created the BTC version of this.
// Hope this helps. Peace out.
// 7th September 2018